longterm problems from treatments

kayk Member Posts: 1
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
It is over three years since my "cancer discovery" and treatments. I have lingering medical problems resulting from my treatments that are altering my life style. It is difficult to discuss these with most people--because I do not want any one to think that my results are typical when they are extremely rare. That does not help me to deal with the problems. I am hoping someone will identify with me. Hello out there.


  • bullfrog13
    bullfrog13 Member Posts: 213
    Dear Kayk, I am not sure what treatments you have had or what the problems you are having may be. Since you did not mention anything specific it is hard to identify. However, I think (and this is just my personal belief) that none of our lives are ever completely the same as they were before. I know mine has not. First off I am two years old, I have pain where I never had pain before, and the places that hurt before -hurt even more now. But it is not all bad. I also notice, see, hear, and appreciate things I never noticed, saw or heard before. I will never again say that "I hate my life" or that "im bored" I appreciate every day that Im given even when my knees hurt and my head is pounding and holding a pen is difficult. I hope you find what your looking for. God Bless and Big Hugs.
  • ksfc
    ksfc Member Posts: 251
    I think JB said it well! We all have to find our new normal. Life is never the same as it was before cancer and the treatments definitely leave their calling cards. My arm will never be the same, there are some things I can't do anymore, and pain that won't go away. But, there is a new appreciation for everyday and every person.
    It's the gift that makes up for all the yucky stuff. If you want to share what your problems are, I'm sure there's somebody here that's experienced something similar. Everybody's recovery is different, but this is the place to find someone who can relate to what you're going through. Peace - Diane
  • isaiah4031
    isaiah4031 Member Posts: 240
    Hi there,
    I agree with the other respondents. Our lives will never be the same...at least we'll never quite look at things the same way. This is a wonderful place to find a "soulmate" and share what's on your heart. We are all good "listeners" and are here if you need us. Take care and hope to hear from you soon.
    Hugs, Jayne
  • isaiah4031
    isaiah4031 Member Posts: 240
    Hi there,
    I agree with the other respondents. Our lives will never be the same...at least we'll never quite look at things the same way. This is a wonderful place to find a "soulmate" and share what's on your heart. We are all good "listeners" and are here if you need us. Take care and hope to hear from you soon.
    Hugs, Jayne
  • banker
    banker Member Posts: 317 Member
    I also agree with all the others, we will never be the same, life now IS different and nobody knows it better then us. We can understand your concern and hope you will tell us more about yourself and your story. If you'd rather not post here, you can always e-mail one of us individually and it will go to our mail box. I am sure we can help. God bless you. Love emmi
  • inkblot
    inkblot Member Posts: 698 Member
    Hi Kayk:

    There's no need to suffer in silence. Most of us here have experienced some degree of post treatment pains/ailments and would be happy to share with you, if you're inclined to share your
    pain. Someone else may be precisely where you are and dealing with a very similar situation or perhaps they've dealt with it before.

    I would encourage you not to be concerned about scaring others as this is a place of sharing the good the bad and the ugly in addition to all the wonder of the journey. Whether your situation is rare, common or in between, I'm sure that someone will identify and can possibly help with tips, experiences and a good helping of encouragement.

    Wishing you...

    Love, light and laughter,
  • sandytrif525
    sandytrif525 Member Posts: 106
    Hello, I tend to agree with the others. Our lives are different now than what we were before. Like others have said, my upper chest arm area pains me every morning, I feel like a stiff old woman. But the Pain lets me know I am alive and I can Praise the Lord for that pain. The Lord has brought me through things that I couldn't face alone. Every day is a new beginning and I can thank God for the life he has given to me which included breast cancer and the scars and the numb tummy from the tram flap and the itches that itch but feel no relief when scratched. It is a new body I am dealing with. Like my husband says, I have been given a second chance, what am I going to do with it. I try to eat healthy exercise, pray and read the Bible and live the life. Hope this is a help. God Bless Sandy
  • BarbarainBklyn
    BarbarainBklyn Member Posts: 1

    Hello, I tend to agree with the others. Our lives are different now than what we were before. Like others have said, my upper chest arm area pains me every morning, I feel like a stiff old woman. But the Pain lets me know I am alive and I can Praise the Lord for that pain. The Lord has brought me through things that I couldn't face alone. Every day is a new beginning and I can thank God for the life he has given to me which included breast cancer and the scars and the numb tummy from the tram flap and the itches that itch but feel no relief when scratched. It is a new body I am dealing with. Like my husband says, I have been given a second chance, what am I going to do with it. I try to eat healthy exercise, pray and read the Bible and live the life. Hope this is a help. God Bless Sandy

    To Sandy, It made me laugh when I read your message regarding an itch that can't be scratched. Other people cannot understand it. Be well. To KayK, You didn't specify your "problems". Perhaps, you can get more information if you let us know what you are dealing with. Barbara in Brooklyn