esophageal cancer

loneone Member Posts: 1
edited January 2024 in Head and Neck Cancer #1
I just found out that I have esophageal cancer. Any one out there willing to talk to me about their experiences? plesase e-mail me at thank you


  • jenn_if_er1999
    jenn_if_er1999 Member Posts: 12
    HI eb!
    My dad was just diagnosed in january and has stage three , just had an esophagectomy on the 21st of feb. and will begin chemo and radation after he heals from surgery. It is a scary diagnoses but there are many people beating this beast. The internet chat group on yahoo has helped me get through this alot as well as and this site. I am trying to get my dad on here once he recovers. I ,m here if you want to chat or write . Just remember your not alone and God can get us through this !
  • Rock
    Rock Member Posts: 3
    I am a 48 yr old male that had surgery on 9-29-01 for squamous cell carcinoma. It had entered the wall but had not spread to the lymph nodes therefore chemo and radiation were not recommended at that time. As of today I am doing well and would be more than happy to answer any questions that you may have. You may e-mail me at or through this.
  • hicksfw
    hicksfw Member Posts: 8

    I am a three-year survivor of stage IV esophageal cancer--an adinocarcenoma, partially differentiated. I had a two-inch tumor in my esophagus and one-inch tumors in each lobe of my liver. I have had an esophagectomy with a gastric pull-up and have had one liver tumor surgically removed and one radio ablated. I underwent four months of chemotherapy and several surgeries to correct problems that occurred as a result of treatment.

    On 5 April I was three years from the end of treatment. I am in the 5%.

    That's it in a nutshell. If I can be of assistance to you contact me at

    Colonel Frank Hicks, USMC(Ret)
  • clg88
    clg88 Member Posts: 3
    Hi - I hope things have been going good for you. I was diagnosed in December of 1999 at the age of 30. Have been through chemo, radiation, and surgery. So far, everything has been great. Please feel free to email me at

    My name is Christine. Good luck!
  • Reib2555
    Reib2555 Member Posts: 16 Member
    edited July 2022 #6

    I was diagnosed with esophageal cancer stage III at the age of 70 last year day before Thanksgiving. I’ve since had a feeding tube and port put in , had 28 radiation treatments, 6 chemos and eventually the Ivor surgery in April of this year.

    I am blessed to say that at this moment, feeding tube is gone, I’m eating on my own with my stomach now being my esophagus, and currently am cancer free! I’ve been receiving immunotherapy infusions and healing slowly!

    There are miracles!!!!


    [Content removed by CSN Support Team.] 

  • wbcgaruss
    wbcgaruss Member Posts: 2,507 Member

    Vicki thanks for the update and congratulations on standing strong going through some difficult treatment that we can relate to here on the H&N forum. So glad you are healing and cancer-free Praise God for the great blessings he has given you. May you continue to have improvement.

    Wishing You the Best

    Take Care God Bless-Russ

  • Reib2555
    Reib2555 Member Posts: 16 Member


    Been a heck of a 7 month journey, and all because I got hiccups when I ate! I’m 3-1/2 months since surgery and am told minimum of 6-7 months recovery. But am very grateful! Just learning on how to deal with the AFTER, I know everyone says I look great, I’m a warrior, but I’m different after going through everything and it’s a different body, things I can’t do etc! A process!

    thank you for the well wishes!


  • wbcgaruss
    wbcgaruss Member Posts: 2,507 Member

    You are welcome Vicki, and as you are finding out it is not a fast process recovering from H&N treatment. But recovering you are one day at a time. You are right we are different after going through these treatments, it seems it reaches to the depths of your very being and brings you to places you never imagined. And you find out you can do more than you ever imagined if you do it in little bits, not big chunks. You seem to be doing great and are so positive, you are an inspiration, Congrats to you.

    Take Care God Bless-Russ

  • Reib2555
    Reib2555 Member Posts: 16 Member

    Oh you are so right, I am amazed, as was my family, at what I was able to handle! Everything happened so quickly, it was like an out of body experience! Once I learned I was stage 3 and not stage 4, there was no question - it was bring it on, let’s fight! The desire to live is incredibly strong!

    Yes one day at a time with as positive an attitude I can muster!


  • Grouse4
    Grouse4 Member Posts: 13 Member

    Congratulations with your surgery and you survived. It only gets better. Maureen

  • Reib2555
    Reib2555 Member Posts: 16 Member

    Thank you so much Maureen for your kind words! Had my first CT Scan since surgery 4 months ago. Other than one lymph node that is slightly enlarged compared to pre-surgery, I’m still clean!!!! Doc isn’t concerned, but we will keep an eye on it. Will be having scans every 3 months and immunotherapy infusions once a month! I’m truly blessed right now!!


  • djgraham52
    djgraham52 Member Posts: 2 Member

    My niece was diagnosed with Stage 4 esophageal cancer which had spread to one lymph node this past year. She underwent chemo and rad. Subsequent scans showed that the large mass they found in her esophagus and lymph node was gone completely…cancer free. Yes!

    However, the rad resulted in significant scar tissue that required stretching her esophagus so she eat. (She initially had a feeding tube that came out 3 times and resulted in an infection. She gave up early on the tube.) 4 stretches over the past two months. Now, she’s at her limit insofar as the stretches.

    She will be meeting with a surgeon later this week to discuss surgery. She’s a small-framed, very thin 50 y/o women. I read or was told the survival rate from surgery is only 1/3. And, if she makes it through the surgery, the healing process is horrible and long. We have always been close but she has not wanted to share with me the struggles she has already suffered. I understand. Thankfully, her father/my brother and her mom have been there 100% for her. Can anyone give me more info on surgery and post-surgery issues. (5 years ago, my fiancé underwent chemo, rad and surgery for throat cancer. What I learned on this site was invaluable insofar as complications, what to look out for, etc. Today, he is still cancer free. )

    I can be reached here or at Thanks for all your help.

  • Reib2555
    Reib2555 Member Posts: 16 Member