Deep Thoughts

kamehameha6470 Member Posts: 33
edited March 2014 in Emotional Support #1
I just read a little poem by Dhany. I was wondering if anybody else has written poetry to express their feelings, or has a favorite Bible passage that keeps them going, or lyrics, etc. I thought maybe this was a good place to share these things. I wrote this one about the time of my last chemo treatment:

Remnants of an Old Soldier

Lone figure on a shadowy road
Shoulders slumped that were once proud and strong
No hint lingers of the glorious past
Of brave deeds and battles fought
Who can recount old wars won
Or scars earned through strife

The soldier carries no gun
Words used to wound have run dry
No badges of courage
All rank earned in the struggles of youth
Have worn away
So that only the soldier can recall
With a wistful longing what was won and lost

The toll of war can be read in a few lines
Of the face and in bent contour
The eyes that once blazed fire and flame
Are now gone dim and empty
Lifeless globes scanning the road that lay ahead
Neither knowing nor caring what the next step brings

How long can a soldier battle on
Unarmed and unprotected from hostile barbs
How long can a soldier travel the lonely road
Without rest or comfort or companionship
With tattered thoughts and shattered dreams
Only the soul of the soldier and God knows.


  • andromeda
    andromeda Member Posts: 4
    This is a beautiful poem, I can only say that God watches over all his children.He protects us and keeps us safe. For the ones who are dealing with cancer His protection and love are there to keep us strong.