Ruling Out Uterine problems

ptomom Member Posts: 26
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Hi Everyone, I haven't been up in awhile, but I know where to come for answer and/or reassurance. I just had my six month check up with the oncologist. (Stats: 45 years old, double masectomy, completed chemo/radiation in July 2002,now on tamoxifen). I haven't had a period since December 2001 and had a, I guess, period two weeks ago when I thought I was in early menopause. The doctor wants to rule out problems and I need to go to a gyn regarding other more serious problems caused by tamoxifen. Has anyone else had a problem such as this? I am really scared--I thought this "C" was gone. I guess I need a hug. Love Darla PS One option if I started back my period is shutting down my system with a 3 month drug called...sorry forget..the name. This apparently will stop my system producing estrogen. Has anyone taken this step to reassure the cancer not coming back and assuring the tamoxifen doing its thing??


  • ktinkey
    ktinkey Member Posts: 170 Member

    I am 48 years old and just had my ovaries removed last week to shut down my production of estrogen. I was on tamoxifen for 4 years, but since I never took chemo, was having regular periods. However, last month my CT scan showed the cancer is growing again, hence, the operation. I took one shot of the Nolvadex, and the oncologist was going to use it monthly to shut down my ovaries, but I opted for the operation instead. I also opted for the monthly injection, instead of the every three months one, becasue my oncologist said sometimes it stops working in the third month. You mau want to discuss this with your oncologist. My + markers were off the chart, so I didn't want to take a chance. Since tamoxifen has stopped working for me I am going on Femara.

    Just to give you some reassurance. Earlier this summer I had a bout of heavy bleeding and then spotting every couple of days. My gyn took an endometrial biopsy, but all was well. Just peri-menopausal. Yours may turn out not to be anything either. The injection of Nolvadex wasn't too bad. Just make sure they numb your stomach well, before they insert the needle.

    Hope this helps.

    God Bless,