Need a Surgeon in New York

teekalvr128 Member Posts: 1
edited March 2014 in Lung Cancer #1
We live in Queens New York. My Mom has a mass in her lung to be removed immediately. She is a smoker and they say it is 80% chance of cancer. Anyone with a doctor referral (surgeon) please e-mail


  • Ginelle
    Ginelle Member Posts: 8 Member
    Hi, I don't know about a surgeon in N. Y., but I know there's an excellent hospital(cancer center) over there, my mother in law lived in another state and traveled to N.Y. to get treatment in that hospital, you can find a good surgeon there.I hope everything's will be o.k. with your mom.
  • bobz1
    bobz1 Member Posts: 50
    Once your Mom gets a good Cancer Doctor. He can arrange everything.Dont worry. Be strong for your mom, stay by her side,There is HOPE Im a Survivor of meany years. I will Pray for your mom Bobz1
  • bobz1
    bobz1 Member Posts: 50
    Once your Mom gets a good Cancer Doctor. He can arrange everything.Dont worry. Be strong for your mom, stay by her side,There is HOPE Im a Survivor of meany years. I will Pray for your mom Bobz1
  • bobmc
    bobmc Member Posts: 47
    Hello & my very best to you and your Mom; In the
    NY City area I would suggest Memorial Sloan-Kettering; they are world renowned as one of the best for cancer treatment; I live about 30 miles from the city in N.W. Jersey & I used them for a second opinion. I was operated on at Morristown Memorial hospital, (another excellent cancer center), which is a bit far for you; Please let me know how you are doing and if you need help.
    God Bless
    Bobmc- dx4/01 NSCLC stage IIB
    Left lung removed 5/01
  • momoffive
    momoffive Member Posts: 2
    Hi teeklavr,
    first thing you must do is find a place that can give you many answers.what kind of tumor is it,what options do you have ,is it anywhere else in the body these are all factors,some lung cancers are not operable.mine wasn't it is treatable,it was in both lungs liver and breathing passage I just finished my 4th round of chemotherapy all the cancer is gone if and when it comes back it will be treated again it was small cell cancer ,get a doctor that will answer all your questions and dont be afraid to ask them,the more you know the better you will cope with this whole ordeal.good luck I hope everything goes well.
  • acuozzo
    acuozzo Member Posts: 8
    Hi. I'm sorry your mom has to go through this. I had my left lung removed 1/01. I would suggest Memorial Sloan Kettering, or if you can get to New Jersey, try Deborah Heart and Lung Center in Brown Mills, New Jersey. This is where I had mine done. Good luck and I'll pray for you and your family. Anne Cuozzo