
vac Member Posts: 97
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
i had my first treatment this past tuesday, felt great up to the next day almost 24 hours later. thay gave me medicine for the nausea did not work. thurseday and friday i woke up with terrible leg pain. is this normal after chemo?? i also had 2 shots to build up my white blood cells. i feal pretty good rite now but my legs still hurt, but not has bad as it did this morning. thanks for the info.


  • banker
    banker Member Posts: 317 Member
    Hi vac, I see you had 1st chemo and got bad pain. I had that but, within 8 hrs, lasted about 3-4 days. I also took the shots this last time to build up my whitecount, gave them to myself daily 6-8 shots, till the next chemo, gave me backpain. (my Docs are located 2 hrs from where I live.)For the pain I got HYDROCODONE 5/500, that worked but put me to sleep, so I only took them at night. I did fine, its just some side effects. For nausea I took ZOFRAN, they put it in the IV before chemo, then I took a pill when done, up to 3 pills per day for 5 days.8mg.. They come in reg. pill form and desolveable ones, no water needed in case it does'nt stay down. Everybody reacts different. I hope this helps and you are feeling better, maybe I'll catch you on hummb site. Ok ? Take care, hugs and prayers coming your Emmi
  • vac
    vac Member Posts: 97
    banker said:

    Hi vac, I see you had 1st chemo and got bad pain. I had that but, within 8 hrs, lasted about 3-4 days. I also took the shots this last time to build up my whitecount, gave them to myself daily 6-8 shots, till the next chemo, gave me backpain. (my Docs are located 2 hrs from where I live.)For the pain I got HYDROCODONE 5/500, that worked but put me to sleep, so I only took them at night. I did fine, its just some side effects. For nausea I took ZOFRAN, they put it in the IV before chemo, then I took a pill when done, up to 3 pills per day for 5 days.8mg.. They come in reg. pill form and desolveable ones, no water needed in case it does'nt stay down. Everybody reacts different. I hope this helps and you are feeling better, maybe I'll catch you on hummb site. Ok ? Take care, hugs and prayers coming your Emmi

    you don't know how great you made me feel. they gave me anzemet and compazine. they only gave me anzemet the first day it did not work. i went for my 2nd shot and the nurse wanted me to wait, i guess i looked bad so he prescribed compazine along with the anzemet, so far it works i took 1 dose this morning and feel pretty good tonight i even ate breakfast and dinner. well anyways thanks so much for writing, you put my mind at ease love vicki (vac)
  • hummingbyrd
    hummingbyrd Member Posts: 950 Member
    vac said:

    you don't know how great you made me feel. they gave me anzemet and compazine. they only gave me anzemet the first day it did not work. i went for my 2nd shot and the nurse wanted me to wait, i guess i looked bad so he prescribed compazine along with the anzemet, so far it works i took 1 dose this morning and feel pretty good tonight i even ate breakfast and dinner. well anyways thanks so much for writing, you put my mind at ease love vicki (vac)

    Hope you're still feeling good. Missing you in the chat room.
    When is next chemo? Keep us posted on how you're doing.((((((HUGS))))))and prayers. hummb