terrified of recurrence

inkognita Member Posts: 9
edited March 2014 in Skin Cancer #1
My initial melanoma was diagnosed approx. 4 years ago. A wide excision was performed with clear margins, and I was told there was a 95% chance it would never recur. However, about 9 months later, a lymph node popped up and was positive for melanoma. A radical lymph node dissection was performed with an additional positive node. I began Interferon therapy but was only able to take about 1/4 of the full year course due to impending liver failure (not a typical reaction). I was told there was about a 70% chance of recurrence. At my checkup last week, my liver enzymes were very abnormal and I am scheduled to undergo an abdominal CT on Friday to rule out recurrence, this time in the liver area. Does the terror ever get any better? I am so paranoid about recurrence and the very limited treatment options available to me. I have many other health problems which also complicate the situation. Can anyone help me with this feeling of panic?


  • gnail
    gnail Member Posts: 35
    It is frightening but it does get better...slowly but surely. Knowledge and laughter I think are key. I went to comedy shops and things of that nature to "force" laughter and to force the thoughts of cancer from my head. I also joined a melanoma support group and over time became a senior member of the group and felt great comfort in knowing that I could help the newly diagnosed find information, show them a living example of someone who has had stage 3 melanoma since July '99. If you ever want to chat via e-mail, messenger programs or the phone I am more than happy to do so. My e-mail address is gnail@sky.net.
  • hpydncr
    hpydncr Member Posts: 13
    Hello, I realize you posted this months ago, but I haven't been on the message board. If you would like to write me at hpydncr@earthlink.net, I can give you a support group of hundreds of melanoma patients who communicate daily by email. It is a group of people unlike any I have ever known and the information is up to date. Good luck. Linda Talbott
  • adroegmiller
    adroegmiller Member Posts: 4
    There is help. You don't have to be terrified. I will let you in on how I got away from the terror. Let me know if you are up to hearing it?