Metastatic Prostate Cancer

henryev Member Posts: 8
edited March 2014 in Prostate Cancer #1
I had a radical prostatectomy in March 1996. Metastases in bones were founnd 2 years later. Last April I could not stand on my feet because of spinal cord compression. I receivrd radiation therapy to my lower spine, and I am confined to a wheel chair. My wife has become my caregiver.


  • sammy
    sammy Member Posts: 9
    I am very sorry to hear about your situation. I'm glad you have a wife who is there for you and will take good care of you. Your doctor never suggested hormone shots to keep your cancer from spreading? May God be with you during this difficult time.
  • wmott1122
    wmott1122 Member Posts: 14
    Dear henryev,
    I'm very sorry to hear about your bone Dad is in alot of pain right now in his right hip and down his right leg. He has a very difficult time getting up and down......very shakey and weak! We celebrated his 60th birthday today, and I'm so very scared he will not be here for his 61st birthday! He seems very depressed right now! I know you must be going through some tough times yourself and my prayers are with you! My Dad goes to the doctors this coming Friday and I'm really dreading that appointment! We will get the results of his recent bone scans, x-rays and PSA test! I'm SCARED! Did the radiation help you at all? What did it do for you if anything? Were you having bone pain anywhere? With spinal cord compression, did your legs go numb? My Dad is taking Tylenol with codeine for pain, but it's just like eating does not help! I know it is probably very difficult for you to talk about your personal situation, but anything you'd be willing to share, I'd very much appreciate! Best wishes to you and your wife! God Bless!
  • jmmdad
    jmmdad Member Posts: 6
    henryev, I can't tell you how much I appreciate your reply to my concerns in the above(jmmdad); knowing someone else understands is so comforting. Thanks! I only wish I could say something to give you comfort; the only thing I can say is I am thinking about you and you are in my prayers.
  • nutt
    nutt Member Posts: 140
    Henry, can you provide me with what your symptoms were after your surgery? My legs, feet and in particuliar lower back have become such a pain/discomfort 24/7 and I am wondering how you were able to detect the spread of cancer and what were your symptoms?
    Thanks and hope you are doing fine. Believe all of us have learned to take one day at a time and cherish those around us more.
  • sphassl
    sphassl Member Posts: 5
    I hope that you are having good quality of life. My dad is now in your same condition. Radical surgery in 1996, recently found out that it was in his spine - had spinal cord compression and lost the use of his legs. He had surgery and is now in physical therapy, but it just wears him slap out. This has all happened in the last couple of weeks. I would love to hear that you are doing okay now, realizing of course that you have been confined to a wheel chair. My dad is struggling to use a walker, but it takes all he has to stand up and use it. He has to use the wheelchair a lot. I am so worried about him - this has all been so sudden...his PSA is now over 300. Beginning this Thursday I will be his caregiver. I feel concerned that I can do a good enough job.
  • lindachampagne60
    lindachampagne60 Member Posts: 16
    nutt said:

    Henry, can you provide me with what your symptoms were after your surgery? My legs, feet and in particuliar lower back have become such a pain/discomfort 24/7 and I am wondering how you were able to detect the spread of cancer and what were your symptoms?
    Thanks and hope you are doing fine. Believe all of us have learned to take one day at a time and cherish those around us more.

    Prostate cancer , and swelling and pain
    Jusy an update on my husband who chose not to have treatment. We now have hospice. New symtoms are, swollen hard legs and feet, swollen testicles, can barely walk, pain and a lump on his spine the size of a large marble, breathing problems,, tired but cant seem to get any sleep. Meds are oxeycodone, methadone, nurse gave him lasix, and an atibiotic for his legs that are all red, she said it was cellulitis. Swelling went down, and two days later, they are all swollen again. I dont knw whats happening at this point. He never wanted to go back for any treatment, and is just waiting to die. im exhausted taking care of him with all his needs. I never go out, and he doesnt want any one in. Does this sound like its spreading, and if so, will someone give me as much info as possible as to what to expect, and please dont spare me any details. i NEED to know, and all im getting is wonderful people trying to spare me the hurt. bless them, but I need info, and soon. Please help, as i want to hear from anyone who has gone through this, and even the ones who have passed and how long did they have the disease before they passed. thankyou so much. Tired 62 year old wife Linda
  • Kongo
    Kongo Member Posts: 1,166 Member

    Prostate cancer , and swelling and pain
    Jusy an update on my husband who chose not to have treatment. We now have hospice. New symtoms are, swollen hard legs and feet, swollen testicles, can barely walk, pain and a lump on his spine the size of a large marble, breathing problems,, tired but cant seem to get any sleep. Meds are oxeycodone, methadone, nurse gave him lasix, and an atibiotic for his legs that are all red, she said it was cellulitis. Swelling went down, and two days later, they are all swollen again. I dont knw whats happening at this point. He never wanted to go back for any treatment, and is just waiting to die. im exhausted taking care of him with all his needs. I never go out, and he doesnt want any one in. Does this sound like its spreading, and if so, will someone give me as much info as possible as to what to expect, and please dont spare me any details. i NEED to know, and all im getting is wonderful people trying to spare me the hurt. bless them, but I need info, and soon. Please help, as i want to hear from anyone who has gone through this, and even the ones who have passed and how long did they have the disease before they passed. thankyou so much. Tired 62 year old wife Linda

    So sorry
    Linda, I'm so sorry you're continuing to live with this. I am sure it is very emotionally trying for you. You may want check out this or other similar links that discuss the dying process from prostate cancer.

    My deepest sympathies.

  • hunter49
    hunter49 Member Posts: 251 Member
    sphassl said:

    I hope that you are having good quality of life. My dad is now in your same condition. Radical surgery in 1996, recently found out that it was in his spine - had spinal cord compression and lost the use of his legs. He had surgery and is now in physical therapy, but it just wears him slap out. This has all happened in the last couple of weeks. I would love to hear that you are doing okay now, realizing of course that you have been confined to a wheel chair. My dad is struggling to use a walker, but it takes all he has to stand up and use it. He has to use the wheelchair a lot. I am so worried about him - this has all been so sudden...his PSA is now over 300. Beginning this Thursday I will be his caregiver. I feel concerned that I can do a good enough job.

    Sorry to hear of your dad's
    Sorry to hear of your dad's condition. Curious what was his gleason and outcome after surgery?
  • VascodaGama
    VascodaGama Member Posts: 3,731 Member
    hunter49 said:

    Sorry to hear of your dad's
    Sorry to hear of your dad's condition. Curious what was his gleason and outcome after surgery?

    Linda; I am sorry for the news

    I am sorry for the news regarding your husband’s decision.
    You have done the upmost to help him and now you need to understand and accept his wishes. This must be difficult for you to accept.

    I have spoken before with some advanced PCa patients and I realized that the majority surfer with pain. Some very advanced cases presented symptoms in lacking recognition, of the people around them or about what was happening to them.
    I read that the cancer takes the lead when spreading to other organs causing inflammation and the subsequent collapse at the host places. Bone marrow seems to be the most affected area inducing failure of the immunologic system. At the hospices they keep the patients on drugs to alleviate the pain symptoms without any intent of cure or prolonging life.

    Caring for these patients is a hard job because they become dependent totally. In your husband’s case you may try to get his understanding of accepting the visit of a helper to share the work with you.

    The period on such conditions depends on the advanced status. I saw a colleague of mine, a man of 64 y/o, quite fit in looks but with metastases very advanced. Suddenly he stop coming to the office or going out with us for a drink, as it used to be common, because of perverse pains, intensifying every day it passed. He explained to me that he couldn't sleep or move without drugs. He died in just two months.
    In another experience I met a patient who has suffered similar symptoms for two years before dying. This guy never had problems in explaining what was happening to him. He enjoyed some laughs when we meet, but the pain was excruciating, as he put it.

    My thoughts are with you. I hope you can withstand this difficult period.

  • walt bock
    walt bock Member Posts: 3

    Prostate cancer , and swelling and pain
    Jusy an update on my husband who chose not to have treatment. We now have hospice. New symtoms are, swollen hard legs and feet, swollen testicles, can barely walk, pain and a lump on his spine the size of a large marble, breathing problems,, tired but cant seem to get any sleep. Meds are oxeycodone, methadone, nurse gave him lasix, and an atibiotic for his legs that are all red, she said it was cellulitis. Swelling went down, and two days later, they are all swollen again. I dont knw whats happening at this point. He never wanted to go back for any treatment, and is just waiting to die. im exhausted taking care of him with all his needs. I never go out, and he doesnt want any one in. Does this sound like its spreading, and if so, will someone give me as much info as possible as to what to expect, and please dont spare me any details. i NEED to know, and all im getting is wonderful people trying to spare me the hurt. bless them, but I need info, and soon. Please help, as i want to hear from anyone who has gone through this, and even the ones who have passed and how long did they have the disease before they passed. thankyou so much. Tired 62 year old wife Linda

    My Treatment of Bone Cancer


    My bone cancer now treated with Zytiga and a bone shot. Now I'm going to get a shot which goes to my bloodstream and to the cancer in my bones directly to knock out the cancer. Would this help your husband?

  • walt bock
    walt bock Member Posts: 3
    Prostate to Bone Cancer


    Was the radiation a detriment to your bone health or an asset?

  • moonlitnight
    moonlitnight Member Posts: 58
    Wishing you well

    Henry, so sorry to hear about this. My husband has mets too. What drugs, if any, have you taken/are you on? Are you on a nutrition/supplement program as well?

  • moonlitnight
    moonlitnight Member Posts: 58
    wmott1122 said:

    Dear henryev,
    I'm very sorry to hear about your bone Dad is in alot of pain right now in his right hip and down his right leg. He has a very difficult time getting up and down......very shakey and weak! We celebrated his 60th birthday today, and I'm so very scared he will not be here for his 61st birthday! He seems very depressed right now! I know you must be going through some tough times yourself and my prayers are with you! My Dad goes to the doctors this coming Friday and I'm really dreading that appointment! We will get the results of his recent bone scans, x-rays and PSA test! I'm SCARED! Did the radiation help you at all? What did it do for you if anything? Were you having bone pain anywhere? With spinal cord compression, did your legs go numb? My Dad is taking Tylenol with codeine for pain, but it's just like eating does not help! I know it is probably very difficult for you to talk about your personal situation, but anything you'd be willing to share, I'd very much appreciate! Best wishes to you and your wife! God Bless!


    Hello wmott. So very sorry to hear about your dad. I can understand the fear as my guy's PSA just went up and he has bone mets. Try to breathe deeply. Tylenol, imo, is not a good medication to be taking. Did his doctor recommend this? Are you in Canada? Acetaminophen is just awful for the liver. Has your dad discussed alpharadin (targeted radiation by injection). That might be good as it has reduced pain for many men with mets.  Hugs to you...MLN

  • moonlitnight
    moonlitnight Member Posts: 58

    Prostate cancer , and swelling and pain
    Jusy an update on my husband who chose not to have treatment. We now have hospice. New symtoms are, swollen hard legs and feet, swollen testicles, can barely walk, pain and a lump on his spine the size of a large marble, breathing problems,, tired but cant seem to get any sleep. Meds are oxeycodone, methadone, nurse gave him lasix, and an atibiotic for his legs that are all red, she said it was cellulitis. Swelling went down, and two days later, they are all swollen again. I dont knw whats happening at this point. He never wanted to go back for any treatment, and is just waiting to die. im exhausted taking care of him with all his needs. I never go out, and he doesnt want any one in. Does this sound like its spreading, and if so, will someone give me as much info as possible as to what to expect, and please dont spare me any details. i NEED to know, and all im getting is wonderful people trying to spare me the hurt. bless them, but I need info, and soon. Please help, as i want to hear from anyone who has gone through this, and even the ones who have passed and how long did they have the disease before they passed. thankyou so much. Tired 62 year old wife Linda

    Just sending you my very best

    Linda, I just want to send you my very best wishes. This is a terribly sad time and you must be so very tired (hug).