to Sherlynn

3littlebears Member Posts: 18
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Hi Sherlynn,
Sorry, I didn't see your message until today. My original question was "can i shave my hair during my chemo sessions" and all the responses I got was "yes." I was asking because I felt so bad about the way my hair was falling out and how different I began to look. and actually, although I said i was going to shave my head, I didn't. I had it cut really really short before my treatments started. And I didn't shave them off because my sister thought I look cute with the left over hair I have and my mom said I now look like the baby she had 25 years ago. So I thought to myself, as long as I can get well and beat this cancer, I don't mind the hair loss anymore. And as time passes, you will get used to the way you're going to look. My sister and mom even say that the remaining of my hair are growing quite a bit. So I am happier with the way I look now. It's only a trancision. Don't worry, they will still grow. And I believe what everyone else said, the hair will grow out fuller and better! God Bless You. Be Strong!