having a bad day...

3littlebears Member Posts: 18
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
the past couple of days has been kinda down for me, and tonight just doesn't feel right...i feel like i am getting more and more depressed...i don't really know why, but i saw pictures of me in the past and just kinda miss that happy and filled with smile person...i know i have a lot to look forward to because I am only 25, but it's so hard to feel that way sometime...my mom and sister tell me that my temperature and my heart rate are normal so "don't worry."...it's just not that easy and simple....so i decided to come here and share my thoughts and feelings...i don't know what else to do and where else to turn to.................


  • judy22
    judy22 Member Posts: 117 Member
    Hey I think it ok for us to have a nad day; I have been with ca. now 5 yrs now, believe me I sure have them. So go ahead I think you are entitled to it. With ca. your body doesn't all ways feel right even if it seems alright. Judy
  • jmears
    jmears Member Posts: 266
    You are young and do have a lot to look forward to ... yet this horrible thing is happening. It's okay to feel down but you have to keep telling yurself this will pass. Please don't let yourself fall into a hopeless state. Your doctors can help you if you get too depressed. I'm so sorry you have to go through this ... you will come out stronger and at your young age that strength will be amazing!! You'll have confidence to handle anything!! Good Luck. Jamie
  • banker
    banker Member Posts: 317 Member
    Hi, have been there myself these last couple of weeks, we all feel this way from time to time. Don't let it get you down to much,talk to your doctor, he should be able to give you medication, I take some AS NEEDED. You are very young and strong, your life is ahead of you, a few bumps here and there, it will get better. Enjoy the simple things and take it one day at a time. It's tough at times but you can do it, like all of us here . We become stronger. Take care of yourself and let us know how you are doing. But do talk to your doctor, please. Love Emmi
  • heavenlee
    heavenlee Member Posts: 113
    I am so sorry you are feeling down. I know the feeling. I am all moody anyway due to the pregnancy and kinda feel like I am going crazy. Just take one day at a time. You are entitled to some bad days. Talk with your doctors and to other people. I find just talking about things help alot. By the way, I had emailed you here on the site email, did you ever get it? Take care of yourself and go do something for yourself. I have started getting my nails and toes done and that always makes me feel good. :-) Bye for now, Angel
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  • karbear
    karbear Member Posts: 163
    I also am sorry to hear that you are feeling down. I also have those days, its been almost a year since I was diagnosed and I am undergoing reconstruction at this time. But I get so sad still, its awful. I could sit and cry at times. Just scared I guess, and I think that after we are done with treatments and things that you look back and think what we have been through..Its so scarey !!Typing here helps especially knowing there are others like us !! Best wishes and hope you get to feeling better.....God Bless!! karin
  • laverne
    laverne Member Posts: 75 Member
    get yourself to the doctor and get some medicine to help with this depression. We all have been there and whatever it takes for you to feel better you have earned it. Don't ever feel like your alone because we are all here for you and sometimes the "weight" is just too much to carry, lean on our shoulder's we are all in this together. I remember one night it was real late and I was feeling so low, I went to this site and read every post that I saw. I read some of the most inspiring stories and I log in each night before I lay down so that I can get my daily dose of inspiration.
    God Bless and just know that you will be stronger for this cancer experience.
    Hugs and smiles,
  • vjc5199
    vjc5199 Member Posts: 101
    sorry to hear that you are having a bad time. remember that we are all here to talk, listen, cry or laugh with you. know that when you type on these pages you are being hugged with every response!!!! we are here for you. God bless. Vicki
  • scuter
    scuter Member Posts: 12
    You are going to have many more it comes with the teritory. Spoil yourself and do whatever makes you happy, a long bath always works for me. No one that has not gone through this can possibly understand. Take care.