New to group - Hello out there

twobabys Member Posts: 1
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Hi all,

This is my first post to this list. I was diagnosed with Infiltrating Ductile Carcinoma on April 2nd. On April 5th I was laid-off of my job. To make matters worse, my husband was laid-off in December and has yet to find a job. This has been a real bummer. ;)

I just had my 2nd round of chemo on 5/13 and I'm starting to feel relatively normal. I am getting Taxotere and Andriamycin once every 3 weeks. Man, that is some killer juice. I can actually feel it working and have had confirmation from the doc that it is indeed shrinking the tumors.

I have 5 1/2 year old twin girls that are the light of my life. I know that I am going to beat this crap and live to see them grow up - it is just tough to get through this chemo stuff. Rather barbaric isn't it! Oh well...this to shall pass.

So, i have read a lot about these hormone therapies but I really don't know what all that is about - what questions should I be asking my doctor?

I know that I have left out a lot of details - if you have any questions so that you can answer my question just ask.

Thanks, live long and prosper (thanks spock)



  • ktinkey
    ktinkey Member Posts: 170 Member

    I'm not real clear on your question. If your doctor hasn't told you, you need to ask whether the cancer was ER+ (estrogen receptor) PR+ (progesteron receptor) or negative and whether HER2 + . This last test is fairly new and I never had my cancer tested for it, but you need to know your status. If the cancer is feeding off your hormones, then there are medications that can block that mechanism. Ask your oncologist to give you all the info and if there are specific questions that you need answered and we can help, ley us know. We are all here for each other. Be strong. You can beat cancer and be around to see your twin daughters get married. That is my prayer for you.

    God Bless,
  • nasa2537
    nasa2537 Member Posts: 311
    Hi Mindy, and welcome to the group! You will have a lot of support here. You are doing everything right....including staying positive. I truly believe we do better by remaining positive. As for the hormones, definitely know whether your tumor is estrogen and progesterone positive or negative. Your oncologist should be able to tell you now what would work for you. Your girls will keep you on a positive note. I'm so glad your tumors are shrinking...that's wonderful news! Nice to know you're not going through all this for nothing, isn't it? If you ever need to chat, please write, and at least keep us informed with a post now and then as to how you are doing. God bless, Cyndi