Anyone on the Lupron shot ????

karbear Member Posts: 163
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Hello was just wondering if anyone is on the shot Lupron? I was just given my first one, its suppose to stop my body from producing estrogen. My oncologist said it had very positive results in helping with reoccurence of breast cancer. Was wondering of any side effects or advice..thanks karin,,,,p.s. think its spelled right,,Lupron


  • mrsbe
    mrsbe Member Posts: 57
    Hi there Karbear,
    I had lupron depo injections for endometrial problems and had one injection a month for 3 months. It throws your body into early menapause by stopping the production of estrogen. I (personally) would not recomend this particular drug to you i had pretty nasty side effects. But then again every person is different. Ive never heard of it being used for breast cancer. Check it out on the net and call your pharmacy and ask there usually up to date on these types of things. My was prescribed by my gyn so if you have a regular one call and ask there to. What the song on school house rock "knowlege is POWER" lol ...... good luck to you Karin i hope you do well on Lupron

  • ktinkey
    ktinkey Member Posts: 170
    Hi Karin,

    My oncologist and I discussed using Lupron if and when the tamoxifen fails. I was surprised too, since I knew it was used for endometrosis. She explained how it would block the production of estrogen; however, we did not talk about side effects, since this was just a "what if" discussion. Sorry.
    I tend to have a lot of "what if" discussions with my oncologist. I am still pre-menopausal and the tamoxifen is working great, so we are sticking with that now.

    God Bless,
  • grandma
    grandma Member Posts: 162
    Hi Karin, my hubby took lupronfor 1 1/2 yrs and helped him, but they aren't doing the total job now although he still has to take them. Don't know if they will effect women in the same way or not. he had hot flashes,lost ability and sex drive, breasts grew a little, and became very emotional.
    good luck, and love to you Flo
  • kat02
    kat02 Member Posts: 76

    I am not currently taking Lupron, but did take it with another combination of drugs. Are you getting the injections monthly or every three months? I received the monthly injections. I was thrilled with the positive results that we had. It is one of the reasons that I was FINALLY able to have surgery. I didn't start with the side effects until after the second injection. It was after the second injection that I went into complete menopause.

    The night sweats are incredible and I had them all day. I found that I had at least one episode per hour. I actually rusted out my watches, but I PROMISE that it was worth it. I just took a lot of luke warm showers, and we ran the airconditioner at night even in the winter. I learned to time going to sleep. I would read until I had completed a night sweat. Then I would try to go to sleep before the next one. My husband also came up with the idea of sleeping on towels. That really helped. I would sleep on several and could remove them if they became soaked. I sleep with a pillow between my legs for pain. I simply covered the pillow with a towel. That helped more than anything.

    The Lupron also increased my problems with reflux. So be sure to ask for Nexium if that happens. Also it takes about three months for the side effects to wear off after you stop taking the Lupron.

    Please know that although the side effects can be a pain, Lupron was a true blessing for me.

    Love, prayers, and hugs,

  • Ann2800103
    Ann2800103 Member Posts: 31
    I was diagnosed in 1998 and had chemo and Rad. Free for 10 years and now my hip and femur had to be replaced. I have been on Lupron and Femara for a year. No bad side affects.
    Just depression if thats what is causing it.
  • Ann2800103
    Ann2800103 Member Posts: 31
    I was diagnosed in 1998 and had chemo and Rad. Free for 10 years and now my hip and femur had to be replaced. I have been on Lupron and Femara for a year. No bad side affects.
    Just depression if thats what is causing it.
  • New Flower
    New Flower Member Posts: 4,294

    I was diagnosed in 1998 and had chemo and Rad. Free for 10 years and now my hip and femur had to be replaced. I have been on Lupron and Femara for a year. No bad side affects.
    Just depression if thats what is causing it.

    Hi Ann
    Welcome to the site.
    I am on a similar combination Zoladex plus Arimidex. I wrote you a message and hope you can read it and reply.
    New Flower