pamtriggs Member Posts: 386
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Just wanted to let you all know that Rosa is now close to the end. She has only a matter of days to live & is unconcious most of the time & is in hospital. Dave is not looking at the computer but I am phoning daily so if you have a message for her I will pass it on.I can't guarantee she will ever hear them as she is not lucid most of the time but we can try. My home e-mail is I can't believe that someone who has been so strong for all of us has now reached the end. She was a very special person & did so much for us all. I don't know how I will cope without her as she has become such a close friend.
Love to you all


  • cruf
    cruf Member Posts: 908
    Words just can't express how I feel right now. The past year and a half I have grown to love and trust Rosa so much. She has been such an inspiration to all of us.Such a good friend. She's kept all of us going! She will be truely missed. I will continue to keep Rosa in my thoughts and prayers. HUGS!! Cathy
  • 24242
    24242 Member Posts: 1,398 Member
    thanks Pam for letting us know, I know this time isn't easy for you. Remember we are here for you Pam and let Rosa's husband Dave know just how much her love, strength and determination was felt by us all. I can only pray that Rosa's pain will end for her and that her family will have the strength to move on without her. I just spent this weekend at a conference of Living Well With Cancer with about 200 other cancer survivors and we were a voice for those like Rosa who are close to then end of their battles with cancer. Rosa will be missed by us all and I will never forget the encouragement she brought to this site with each post she wrote. She has given me so much.
    Thank you Rosa.
    All my love,
  • isaiah4031
    isaiah4031 Member Posts: 240
    A Tribute to Rosa
    You reached out to me when I was afraid,
    You offered friendship and comfort when I so desperately needed it.
    You were a breath of fresh air in the stale stagnant world of cancer.
    You offered me hope, dear friend, and your battle was an inspiration to me.
    Your defiant roar can be heard standing up to the enemy within
    Your love for life was the message you sent without reservation.
    Let's kick it! You cried and we all agreed
    For sweet victory was possible for us all.
    Joining our hearts and our hands for a moment in time, we stood with the Tiger.
    I will miss you Rosa.
    Love, Jayne
  • kat02
    kat02 Member Posts: 76

    It is with unceasing tears that I thank you for informing us about Rosa. I just can't accept the news. I have only been here since November 15, but Rosa made such a roar in my life. Rosa has given both my husband and me hope to keep fighting the fight. Please let Dave know how much we care and that he, Rosa, and the boys are in our thoughts and prayers. Pam I also want you to know that you are also an inspiration. This evening I was mourning the little losses in my life, but I have to accept the loss of independence and keep my eyes on the most important thing winning the fight. I will never forget Rosa and how she roars.


    Laura (Kat)
  • lucy
    lucy Member Posts: 157
    Thank you very much Pam for relaying this message to us. It really makes me feel bad to hear this news because she was always such a fighter and always just wanted to kick this cancer in the ****. She was a real fighter and a wonderful person. The Good Lord will take her home when he is ready for her, we all know that. When he needs another angel, he will come down and take her up with him. My prayers will be with her and her family.
    Love, Lucy
  • confused
    confused Member Posts: 51
    Thank you so much for letting us know about Rosa.The 2 of you have been such an inspiration to so many women.Please send my condolences to her family, hopefully they know how important and how loved she is here too. I'm sorry for you too Pam I know how much her friendship means to you. I am praying for both of her "families" and for Rosa.
    Love to you,
  • sueholm
    sueholm Member Posts: 205
    Dear Pam. My tears prevent me writing much at the moment. I just grieve for her family and you so much. Talk to you later, Susan
  • judyd
    judyd Member Posts: 124
    Hi Pam,
    Thank you for keeping us informed about Rosa. What a great friend and inspiration she has been to us all. My heart is just breaking for her family. I know she will be in a better place. She has been through so much and I'm glad her suffering is almost over. What a great friend you have been to her Pam. She was lucky to have you in her life. We have all been truly blessed to have had the priveledge to have known Rosa. My thoughts and prayers continue to be with her & her family. She will truly be missed.
  • pippi
    pippi Member Posts: 51
    Dear Pam
    What can we say. She was one of us and I will never see the word Tiger without thinking of her
    Love Pippi
  • jeancmici
    jeancmici Member Posts: 665 Member
    pippi said:

    Dear Pam
    What can we say. She was one of us and I will never see the word Tiger without thinking of her
    Love Pippi

    This morning I went back to find the first postings from Rosa - Tiger.I found that she came here initially to get courage to go on. She wasn't always so upbeat.

    Then I came to the first posting of our friend Pam - and Rosa began her new role of encouragement.

    She had chemo from January 2000 to Dec 2001. And over this time, she switched from asking for help to giving help - never saying how much she hurt or was down, but more to sending cheery, upbeat messages to the rest of us.

    So young at the diagnosis- age 30 - she became a wise woman beyond her years enjoying all the little things in life we all have available - sick or well - and often overlook. Rosa had her 33rd birthday on Jan 29th.

    She touched us all with her cheerfulness, wise advice, kindness, and thoughtfulness. I enjoyed our email friendship so much - she will be missed by so many.

    Goodbye, dear Rosa !

  • This comment has been removed by the Moderator
  • inkblot
    inkblot Member Posts: 698 Member
    For Rosa

    Our sister Rosa must leave us now,
    And we all know in our hearts,
    She fought the good and noble fight,
    Right from the very start.

    Our sister, an example,
    Of how to live,
    Of how to make each day count,
    While taking time to give.

    Our sister, the strong one,
    Throughout, till the end,
    We pray that her loved ones'
    Broken hearts will mend.

    May we remember her courage,
    And strength of will,
    May her determination continue to help us,
    To better climb our many hills.

    Here's to you, Rosa,
    As your journey takes you home,
    We'll all remember your amazing spirit,
    So long, friend, so long.

  • cat1switzerland
    cat1switzerland Member Posts: 112
    Please give her my love
    Dear Pam,

    It must be awfully hard for you. Even if she is unconscious, I really think she can feel our love. Please tell her how much I love her ! Shoot, she's going to be some kick-**** angel when she gets there ! I believe bodies die but spirits are immortal. Rosa, or should I say Tiger , you will be with me forever.

    What is the sense of life, why do we suffer, why is such a strong, fantastic, highly-spirited person about to leave this planet ? I think Rosa has touched more souls in the years she fought cancer, than most people would in a lifetime... What a beautiful gift of love, strength, hope and determination she has been giving us !

    So Pam, don't let your sorrow overwelm you, please. You must keep on the fight, you hear ? Because of Tiger, because of us who love you dearly. Stick that chin up, say a few dirty words, and let's kick some cancer **** !

    With love,
  • pamtriggs
    pamtriggs Member Posts: 386

    Please give her my love
    Dear Pam,

    It must be awfully hard for you. Even if she is unconscious, I really think she can feel our love. Please tell her how much I love her ! Shoot, she's going to be some kick-**** angel when she gets there ! I believe bodies die but spirits are immortal. Rosa, or should I say Tiger , you will be with me forever.

    What is the sense of life, why do we suffer, why is such a strong, fantastic, highly-spirited person about to leave this planet ? I think Rosa has touched more souls in the years she fought cancer, than most people would in a lifetime... What a beautiful gift of love, strength, hope and determination she has been giving us !

    So Pam, don't let your sorrow overwelm you, please. You must keep on the fight, you hear ? Because of Tiger, because of us who love you dearly. Stick that chin up, say a few dirty words, and let's kick some cancer **** !

    With love,

    Oh CAthy you really hit the spot. I have been a crying write off for the past few days & what you said has lifted me. Rosa woud kill me if she knew what a wimp I was being. All her effort wasted while I sit here thinking "what's the use - if she can't beat it how can I? What a poor attitude after all her words of love & encouragement. So let's get back to carrying the flag & as she always said Let's kick some cancer ****!!

    Love & hugs

  • gottod
    gottod Member Posts: 37
    Pam, thank you for the information about Rosa, it is just very hard to comprehend, liver mets is disasterous but Rosa lived and played hard and supported many of us, especially me with liver mets also...
    special prayers to you and tell dave and the family many prayers for them and for Rosa. prayers are comforting when waiting is going on.. prayers are comforting when tears are flooding, prayers are comforting when goodness is seen, and prayers will overcome the doom of today to bring about a risen Rosa who is now painfree and in a happier and thanks donna gotto
  • mjdp2
    mjdp2 Member Posts: 133
    pamtriggs said:

    Oh CAthy you really hit the spot. I have been a crying write off for the past few days & what you said has lifted me. Rosa woud kill me if she knew what a wimp I was being. All her effort wasted while I sit here thinking "what's the use - if she can't beat it how can I? What a poor attitude after all her words of love & encouragement. So let's get back to carrying the flag & as she always said Let's kick some cancer ****!!

    Love & hugs


    And let's not forget to do the bare naked ladies' dance that she taught us all. Love and prayers to you all. Margaret
  • luckyj
    luckyj Member Posts: 25
    Dear Pam, My heart is full. I rarely post but continue to visit this site to know that you and Rosa are here. You are my inspiration. Both of you have a fighting spirit that is contagious. Thank you. I will never forget the Tiger. Love, Luckyj