New to the group, ovarian cancer without ovaries

bobbi55 Member Posts: 2
edited March 2014 in Ovarian Cancer #1
Hi, I was diagnosed in Dec. 2000 with ovarian cancer which was a real shock since I didn't have any ovaries! I had a partial hystorectomy in 1985 and the remaining ovary removed in '93 after my mother died of ovarian cancer. I thought I was home free...nobody bothered to tell me that it was still possible to get ovarian cancer after the removal of ovaries. I have now had two debulking surgeries, the last one being in Nov. 2001 and I am back on chemo.
I've learned a lot of things about ovarian cancer that I never knew such as being Jewish increases my risk of carrying the BRCA 1 or 2 mutated gene. I have since been genetically tested and do carry the BRCA 2 gene.
I am 55 years old, married and the mother of three adult daughters. II would be happy to hear from others. Usually my attitude is really good but there are times it slips a bit! Hope to hear from you.


  • crtsang
    crtsang Member Posts: 102 Member
    I really wanted to respond to you so you knew that someone sympathized, but once I've said that, I hardly know what else to say. I'd have been stunned, too, and it certainly helps nothing that your mother died of the same disease. My mother recently died of an oral cancer that was initially assessed as stage one, and the first operation supposedly, as they say, "Got it all." I'm now in a similar position, except with ovarian, and my mother's illness has really thrown me in so many ways...

    Hang in there! Other people are rooting for you too.

  • kathygotango
    kathygotango Member Posts: 5
    Dear Bobbi,
    Just read your message, What a shame that the message just isn't getting out. Its up to us to inform women, that total hysterectomies will not protect you from the beast. I am 55 years old and was dx in December 1999 with Stage Iv Ovarian Cancer.
    I also did all the right things such mammograms, pap smear and I also received a vaginal sonogram one and half years before my diagnosis and still it had spread to my lungs and entire abdomine. But two years later after 3 surguries and continued chemo of Taxol and Carbo I am ready to stop chemo for a rest. Although my body is pretty beat up, every day I stay alive, I am one day closer to the cure. Please, please go ahead and have pity party days. You are fighting the biggest fight of your life and take the suggestions of "keep a good attitude" with a grain of salt. We as cancer sisters know no matter how many times caring friends and family tell us how great we are handling our cancer and what a great attitude we have, we know there is a rage that we keep carefully tucked away for others not to see. I know this a long, so if you want please contact me
    at KATHYGOTANGO@AOL.COM. I would be pleased to ofter extra support.
  • bethy
    bethy Member Posts: 12
    crtsang said:

    I really wanted to respond to you so you knew that someone sympathized, but once I've said that, I hardly know what else to say. I'd have been stunned, too, and it certainly helps nothing that your mother died of the same disease. My mother recently died of an oral cancer that was initially assessed as stage one, and the first operation supposedly, as they say, "Got it all." I'm now in a similar position, except with ovarian, and my mother's illness has really thrown me in so many ways...

    Hang in there! Other people are rooting for you too.


    I just read your latest reply to bobbi55. You say you are now in a similar position as bobbi...please tell me you are still cancer free.
    Love, Beth
  • crtsang
    crtsang Member Posts: 102 Member
    bethy said:

    I just read your latest reply to bobbi55. You say you are now in a similar position as bobbi...please tell me you are still cancer free.
    Love, Beth


    Thank you so much for your concern. Yes, I'm still cancer free. My heart had just gone out to Bobbi so much, and the death of her mother (whenever it happened!) touched me so deeply. (My mother died last September, and I'm still coping.) Learning you have cancer, especially one from which you thought yourself safe, and having lost your mother in parallel's such a powerful blow.

    Thank you again so much for caring to ask.

  • crtsang
    crtsang Member Posts: 102 Member
    Kathy said it so well!