Which is better Tram FLAp or inplants

alstadler Member Posts: 1
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
I am facing mastectomy with breast reconstruction. I think I prefer the tram flap method. IMplants frighten me. Can I hear from someone with inplants and someone that had the tram flap method. Good and/or bad experiences. Why you came to your choice? Thank You


  • cruf
    cruf Member Posts: 908
    Hi! I had a Tram Flap 1 year ago Sept. 11. I wasn't given the option of the implant. My MD said the results from the tram flap are much better and look and feel more natural. I'm small so there wasn't much in the line of fat to transfer up so my right side is smaller than my left. I'm happy with the results. It's tough initially but I thought it would be worse! If you have any specific questions please e-mail me here or at RPT1206@aol.com. You must make the final decision. I really haven't heard anyone complain that they didn't like their implants! Good luck! Keep us informed of your final decision. HUGS!! Cathy
  • ktinkey
    ktinkey Member Posts: 170 Member

    I had my mastectomy and reconstruction at age 35 in Jan 1990. My plastic surgeon briefly explained the tram flap method, but said it wasn't really right for me. I think it just depends on your plastic surgeon and which operation they have had the most success with. I really don't think one is better than the other. I am very happy with my implants. Mine are silicone. The left one has just sprung a leak according to my latest CT Scan. I see the plastic surgeon next Friday. Will see what she says then. Ask your surgeon if he/she has a list of patients that would be willing to talk with you. I know my surgeon does. It really helps. Do your homework. Which ever method you choose, it is ultimately your choice. Stay positive and take care of yourself. Your own self-worth is ultimately your path to healing. Your are a beautiful woman and precious in God's eyes. Remember that and have a great 2002. Good luck in your surgery. Keep us posted.

    God Bless,
  • robinh
    robinh Member Posts: 22
    I had orignially thought I would prefer the tram flap simply because it seemed the most natural. My plastic surgeon didn't really try to discourage me, but felt that I might not have enough excess to do both sides. I was going to have to go to yet another surgeon because this one didn't do that kind. The surgeon who was going to perform the mastectomies, however, did discourage me. She said that it was a much more drastic surgery with longer recovery and instead of two wounds, there would be four. I really just wanted to get it over with and didn't want to go to another doctor, so I decided to have the implants. Mine are saline solution. I had the mastectomies followed by immediate reconstruction in June of last year. I've been really pleased. I have a friend who had the tram flap on one side and is pleased with her resluts as well.

    I think which ever way you chose to go, the important thing is that you are taking charge of your own health and making the decision that is right for you. Both ways have advantages and disadvantages. When is your surgery? Good luck and if you need moral support or just need to talk, this is a great site. You can also email me at huxoll@oregontrail.net
  • momof2
    momof2 Member Posts: 81
    Hi there! I just had my tissue expander part of the implants done 3 weeks ago. So far I am really happy with them. Feel free to e-mail me at home if you would like. I had my mastectomy in April at the age of 24. My e-mail address is cmlamm@netins.net. Good luck with your decision.
