No surgery for rectal cancer

cjohnson Member Posts: 1
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
I am wondering why you have not had surgery for your rectal tumor. You indicated you have had 3 weeks of chemo and 38 days of radiation. I also have rectal cancer and have had radiation (which totally eradicated my tumor -- however, my tumor had broken through the rectum and is now butting up against the uterus so the surgeons say surgery is imperative). I had 2 weeks of chemo as well. I am still struggling with when to have the surgical resection done. My tumor was in the mid-rectal area and they believe they can reconnect to the colon and I should have "good" functioning. Right now, I am feeling terrific with great functioning and don't want to have the surgery unless as a last resort. I have tried hooking up with cancer survivors who have experienced rectal cancer with a low anterior resection to see what possible results I am facing. However, most people have had to have a permanent colostomy. Anyone out there who can help me?


  • peje
    peje Member Posts: 6
    I had surgery for my rectal cancer following two 4day sessions of chemo and 6weeks of radiation. This was to enable the surgon to have enough bowel that was free of cancer to hook up to the anus. I have about 10 stools a day now and sometimes flatus at the wrong time. However, after 1 year and 4 months, I am cancer free. I am following my own alternative diet based on what I have researched, I exercise every day and feel good most days. Let me know what you decide. I am interested.
  • s.w.johnson
    s.w.johnson Member Posts: 10
    I am an 18 month survivor of rectal cancer and I had a low anterior resection with complete removal of my rectum. My tumor was high enough so they could spare my spincther muscles. I was reconnected. First, you must insist they try to spare your spincther and do a reconnection. They can and they do this for many who have no cancer involvement in those muscles. You must go through with this surgery to be sure the cancer is completely removed. My tumor was also eradicated with preoperative chemo and radiation,but my team of doctors insisted that I go through with this seemingly radical surgery. It is the best decision I ever made because 18 months later I remain cancer free! Please take my advice. There is a long term affect of complete rectal recision and that is more frequent bowel movements, but I have found many ways to deal with this and my life has not been drastically altered. It is much easier than a colostomy, which I had for three months after my surgery while I healed. Please write to me if you have any other questions. I want to help!
  • peje
    peje Member Posts: 6

    I am an 18 month survivor of rectal cancer and I had a low anterior resection with complete removal of my rectum. My tumor was high enough so they could spare my spincther muscles. I was reconnected. First, you must insist they try to spare your spincther and do a reconnection. They can and they do this for many who have no cancer involvement in those muscles. You must go through with this surgery to be sure the cancer is completely removed. My tumor was also eradicated with preoperative chemo and radiation,but my team of doctors insisted that I go through with this seemingly radical surgery. It is the best decision I ever made because 18 months later I remain cancer free! Please take my advice. There is a long term affect of complete rectal recision and that is more frequent bowel movements, but I have found many ways to deal with this and my life has not been drastically altered. It is much easier than a colostomy, which I had for three months after my surgery while I healed. Please write to me if you have any other questions. I want to help!

    I am a 16 month survivor of rectal cancer and I also had a low anterior resection. I had chemo and radiation prior to surgery so my spincther muscles could be spared. I never had a colostomy. I fuss because of frequent stools and flatus but I am dealing better with the problems as I listen to my body more and am better able to anticipate how it is going to react. I also believe surgery is the way to go.

  • cbecker
    cbecker Member Posts: 88
    My sister you has rectal cancer had surgery 7 weeks ago. It was in the lower rectal area. She had enough colon that they were able to connect hers. Her bowels are functioning normally. She now has to face chemo 5FU and now they told her she also has to have radiation. There was a small speck found in one of her lymph nolds. They did remove that alos. I will have here get in touch with you about the surgery. The surgery was very painfull for her but after about 5 - 6 weeks she was better. After 6 weeks she returned to work, but now is facing chemo and radiation. I think you can help each other. Sounds like alot of the same things. I will tell her how to get to this message. cjohnson is her name also. Thanks, Candy
  • LEELAvardhan
    LEELAvardhan Member Posts: 1

    I am an 18 month survivor of rectal cancer and I had a low anterior resection with complete removal of my rectum. My tumor was high enough so they could spare my spincther muscles. I was reconnected. First, you must insist they try to spare your spincther and do a reconnection. They can and they do this for many who have no cancer involvement in those muscles. You must go through with this surgery to be sure the cancer is completely removed. My tumor was also eradicated with preoperative chemo and radiation,but my team of doctors insisted that I go through with this seemingly radical surgery. It is the best decision I ever made because 18 months later I remain cancer free! Please take my advice. There is a long term affect of complete rectal recision and that is more frequent bowel movements, but I have found many ways to deal with this and my life has not been drastically altered. It is much easier than a colostomy, which I had for three months after my surgery while I healed. Please write to me if you have any other questions. I want to help!

    ileorectal anastomosis

    Hi, My fiancee has reently undergone ileorectal anastomosis. He had malign polyp in large intestine and benign polyp in uper rectum area. Doctors have performed ileorectal anastomosis. However few doctors have suggested for permanent ileostomy, he chose to retain his rectum muscles. I am very much worried about post operative complications and long term effects of this surgery. Thankfully cancer cells has not spread to other organs and hence doctors did not recommend chemo for him. Could you please give me some insights and tips to be careful.  Though it is foolish to ask, but i have been listening many stupid things from various sources hence i am gathering the courage to pose this question. Will there be survival problems? Is it true that small intestine could not take too much load of digestion and hence the person will need nutrients supplements directly injected through IV? what is the survival rate and how long will a person survive with this kind of situation?

  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,800 Member

    ileorectal anastomosis

    Hi, My fiancee has reently undergone ileorectal anastomosis. He had malign polyp in large intestine and benign polyp in uper rectum area. Doctors have performed ileorectal anastomosis. However few doctors have suggested for permanent ileostomy, he chose to retain his rectum muscles. I am very much worried about post operative complications and long term effects of this surgery. Thankfully cancer cells has not spread to other organs and hence doctors did not recommend chemo for him. Could you please give me some insights and tips to be careful.  Though it is foolish to ask, but i have been listening many stupid things from various sources hence i am gathering the courage to pose this question. Will there be survival problems? Is it true that small intestine could not take too much load of digestion and hence the person will need nutrients supplements directly injected through IV? what is the survival rate and how long will a person survive with this kind of situation?

    Welcome to the forum

    I am sorry to hear about your fiancee. It is always a terrible shock when first diagnosed. 

    This thread is almost 17 years old, and thus it former participants no longer post to the forum for one reason or another. May I suggest you start your own thread here on the forum home page and that way, the forum members that post often, can answer your questions. 


  • Mikenh
    Mikenh Member Posts: 777
    Trubrit said:

    Welcome to the forum

    I am sorry to hear about your fiancee. It is always a terrible shock when first diagnosed. 

    This thread is almost 17 years old, and thus it former participants no longer post to the forum for one reason or another. May I suggest you start your own thread here on the forum home page and that way, the forum members that post often, can answer your questions. 


    I think that I had some

    I think that I had some problems starting new threads on this forum; maybe when I joined. But I could reply to other threads. Maybe that's why we have people replying to old threads when they join.

  • Mikenh
    Mikenh Member Posts: 777

    ileorectal anastomosis

    Hi, My fiancee has reently undergone ileorectal anastomosis. He had malign polyp in large intestine and benign polyp in uper rectum area. Doctors have performed ileorectal anastomosis. However few doctors have suggested for permanent ileostomy, he chose to retain his rectum muscles. I am very much worried about post operative complications and long term effects of this surgery. Thankfully cancer cells has not spread to other organs and hence doctors did not recommend chemo for him. Could you please give me some insights and tips to be careful.  Though it is foolish to ask, but i have been listening many stupid things from various sources hence i am gathering the courage to pose this question. Will there be survival problems? Is it true that small intestine could not take too much load of digestion and hence the person will need nutrients supplements directly injected through IV? what is the survival rate and how long will a person survive with this kind of situation?

    I have a temp ileostomy and

    I have a temp ileostomy and there are issues with some foods but I have no problems putting on weight - I actually have to work to not gain weight. There is nutritional loss from some foods as the processing done by the large intestine isn't done. You have to ensure that you're hydrated as the large intesting reclaims water from processing food and you have to watch for electrolytes. My expected time with the temp ileostomy is about 8 months which is quite a while. Could I live with this permanently if I had to? Probably.

  • mbeberk
    mbeberk Member Posts: 1
    edited January 2018 #10
    Clinical presentation does not indicate resect.

    Hi, can anyone share what this might mean for a patient? My loved one has 6. Weeks of chemo and radiation. Also, can anyone share their experience with a chemo pump instead of FOLFOX regimen?

    Thanks and all the best.

  • Annabelle41415
    Annabelle41415 Member Posts: 6,742 Member
    Very old post

    It's really difficult for people to post on something that is so old.  While reading this I'm thinking this just doesn't sound familiar and I've been on heer a long time.  This is really old.  This should be started as a new post.
