Retreat for Breast Cancer Survivors

robinh Member Posts: 22
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
There are two ladies here in Oregon who have started an organization called "Breast Cancer Renewal Project". Their theory is that even when someone has been cleared physically, they still need an emotional healing. This was their second annual retreat. I had the most uplifting, rejuvenating, refreshing experience of my life. I came home with a more positive attitude and a zest for life that I hadn't had before I went. I just can't say enough about how grateful I am to these wonderful ladies...


  • tcbangels
    tcbangels Member Posts: 111
    that sounds good and how true that is i had breast cancer 6yrs ago and theres still that little thing in the bad of your mind where you wander is it back but i keep it in back of mind now when my year comes up i think about it i hold my breath than when come out i go whew! i can breathe again dont worry until my next year but you dont keep it in your mind thats why you put it there in the back you knows its there but you dont think about it thast how i deal w/ bc i dont worry about it i keep that positive attitude ans thumbs up but when it gets close to my anniversary of bc i start thinking well cheryl will you be another year bc free or is in the other breast than when radiologist comes out says a(ok) i go and say praise you sweet JESUS
  • 24242
    24242 Member Posts: 1,398 Member
    Dear robin,
    How wonderful to be able to experience others and the joy they have found in their lives. I have found over the past 5 years, since diagnosis, that learning to accept my life as it is now is a struggle deep within. Just when I think I have it I feel lost again because of survival guilt or a few fears creeping in. It is hard being positive when so much negativity is around us. WE have learned so much through our fights for our lives, yet have to watch others who don't get it. I have found a love for those around me and the beauty that exists and found the simplicity, for my life.
    Build on what you have found robin,
  • msnascar
    msnascar Member Posts: 20
    That sounds great! Wish we had something like that in Orlando. MMM, may be something for me to think about organizing. :)