ndbyers Member Posts: 2
edited March 2014 in Lung Cancer #1
my mother was diagnosed with non small cell lung cancer in dec 99...its inoperatable and she has had radiation and that is about all that can be done...we're told..she has alot of other health not really sure if i am posting to the right place but i need help here...i am her caretaker and she is doing pretty good for the most part...the biggest problem now is anxiety attacks she always feels nervous and anxious..she is on 4 diff meds for this (xanac, klonopin, buspar and now zoloft)nothing seems to help..she is also on duragesic patches and oxycodone for pain..(along with other med for other conditions)i have been told that sometimes cancer patients go through this...if anyone has any suggestions or if this has happened to anyone please let me know..willing to try anything to keep her comfortable and would like to know if this is "normal" for this disease...thanks


  • fava
    fava Member Posts: 22
    hi, I'd be sure she's supposed to be on all of those they seem like some should have been replaced by others I've never heard of anyone being on xanac and zoloft and the oxycodone for pain probably means codeine add some caffiene with all those and you'd have an anxiety attack too, with or with out the sure