Dealing with Lobectomy
I want to say forget it - forget surgery and run!
After reading all of these comments - I want to walk away while I can and not have surgery! I think in this case ignorance is bleas. I'm in phase 1 or 2 of lung cancer - upper left lobe. I go to surgeon next week to see if he will do surgery or chemo. I was rooting for surgery but now I'm not sure. After hearing how everyone still has pain and it was unbearable - I just don't know what to do.
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Wheezeronewheezerone said:I want to say forget it - forget surgery and run!
After reading all of these comments - I want to walk away while I can and not have surgery! I think in this case ignorance is bleas. I'm in phase 1 or 2 of lung cancer - upper left lobe. I go to surgeon next week to see if he will do surgery or chemo. I was rooting for surgery but now I'm not sure. After hearing how everyone still has pain and it was unbearable - I just don't know what to do.
Surgery is the best option as you get rid of the cancer. I was stage 1A NOMO and didn't required chemo afterwards. I had vats for my lower right lobe on 9-23-2010, and so far so good no recurrance. The pain isn't forever and your life if worth doing the best possible for your treatment. There are pain meds and therapy to get you back in shape. If you may have the vats its less intrusive and guicker healing. My dr does about 40 vats operations a year, so I felt confident with him. I was only in the hospital for 3 days and back to work in a month. Please know I was scared as well and I totally understand. I wish you well and keep us posted. You might want to post on the Inspire Health web site and there are many posters and lots of information about lung cancer. Lori
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Chest Pain After Lobectomy - Cancer Removed
Hi Everyone,
My name is Brandon and I had my upper rightlobe removed about 15 weeks ago and I have some pretty serious pain in the middle of chest, ribs, my back , and my incision area hurts and is numb.
The weird thing is that it's like I can literally feel excatly where they cut me and where they repaired my brochial tube and I am in some serious pain escpecially after working out. I am only 33 so my doctor tells me my road to recovery might be a little longer (up to 18 months) jsut because I was in shape and dont have the fat build up..
Has anyone else experienced this?? all my scans have been clear, well as of 6 weeks ago...
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Hello, I see that no one has responded to your post, that happens a lot on here. I had a vats lobectomy for the lower right lobe and it took a good 6 months to regain my stamina. Give your self time to heal, if you had the standard lung surgery I think that will take more time that the vats to heal. I have 2 4-inch scars where the video and equipment was put it to perform the vats. Please sign up on the Inspire web site there are a lot of posters there that have been through it all. I wish you well, Lori.
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painBrandon.Summers said:Chest Pain After Lobectomy - Cancer Removed
Hi Everyone,
My name is Brandon and I had my upper rightlobe removed about 15 weeks ago and I have some pretty serious pain in the middle of chest, ribs, my back , and my incision area hurts and is numb.
The weird thing is that it's like I can literally feel excatly where they cut me and where they repaired my brochial tube and I am in some serious pain escpecially after working out. I am only 33 so my doctor tells me my road to recovery might be a little longer (up to 18 months) jsut because I was in shape and dont have the fat build up..
Has anyone else experienced this?? all my scans have been clear, well as of 6 weeks ago...
Hi Brandon,
I had pain for many months after my lung resections. My doctor did several nerve blocking cuts to make the pain less intense, but once those nerves started growing back I felt the pain but the other pain had healed so when the blocked healed it wasnt as bad. I can only imagine how bad it would have hurt all at once if she didnt do the blockers. I remembered feeling the side of my chest and my skin felt like a stranger. It didnt feel like my skin, it was numb. That slowly went away within 6 months
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I had my right lung removed May 2014. I'm glad to be alive . Life suddenly has more urgency . It certainly is precious. I am the luckiest man I know.
The recovery and pain can be a bit trying but I wouldn't have wanted to miss it for any thing in the world. Party on fellow Survivors : )))
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I had a left upper lobectomy
I had a left upper lobectomy and lymph nodes resection on 9/12/16. I still have some pain and some shortness of breath, but not bad. I'm walking 1.5 - 2.0 miles a day, either outside or on a treadmill. I also climb two flights of stairs several times a day. Periodically, I have to use an inhaler, but have been "satting" in the high 90's since coming home. I, too, have the tugging sensations from my surgical incisions. I had hand assisted robotic surgery, so I only have 4 incisions, counting the drain tube one. I try to take a nap every afternoon, simply because it makes me feel better. I'm supposed to be sleeping at a 30 degree angle, but find I'm more comfy on my tummy. As far as bras go....I haven't worn one since I took the one off before my surgery. My incisions are placed where it is going to be difficult to wear one until everything is completely healed and all the nerves have quit zinging me!
This was a second primary cancer for me. I was dx'd with Chromophobe Renal Cell Carcinoma stage 3a in April, 2013, and now Adenocarcinoma of the lung. I don't have a path report yet, so don't know what is in front of me, but I'll handle it whatever it is. Good luck to all of you. This, contrary to what was told to me, is NOT a walk in the park....but it IS a walk somewhere.
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left lower lobectomy
I had the left lower lobe removed by vats on Oct 30 2015. It was less than a stage 1a nsclc and was localized. I did not have any radiation or chemo because it was so small and not showing up any place in my body. I have had a very difficult time getting my strength back. I am still not 50% back. I get breathless and have no energy. I am back at work and thankful that I am able to show up!! I do pray about it everyday and ask God to heal me. The doctors have put me thru the mill and the pulmonary doctor had me do a sniff test to discover that the king vegas (may not be right name) nerve that runs from your neck to your diaphraghm was damaged during the surgery. If it heals it heals about 1" a month and is about 24" or more long. So I guess if my is healing it will be 2 yrs before my diaphraghm works again!! I am very grateful that I did not have to go thru additional treatment. Let me know how you all are and if I can lend an ear I will!!
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Thank you.grammy said:I had lower right lobe removed 9 months ago. I no longer have any pain. Do you have NSCLC or SCLC? I have had chemo before and after surgery, then 35 radiation. My biggest problem is cough which seems to be getting better with use of inhaler. Did you have any lymph node involvement? Good luck and keep your chin up.
GrammyI was so glad to read that you no longer have pain. I had a massive drain tube inserted during surgery and it was removed a couple of weeks later. I have had pain in my right shoulder blade ever since. Some days are ok but others are living hell. I had small cell neuroendocrine CA graded 2.2 B+
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Lobectomygram said:Janny,I had upper left lobectomy 18 mos. ago. Mine was also early detection.I am non small cell adenocarcinoma. I did not need any treatment, but every 6 months I get a catscan and xrays. I agree with you that I have never experienced pain like that in my life. I still have flashbacks about the pain, altho they are getting farther apart.It's funny cause I can walk and hardly get out of breath but climbing stairs to fast and I have a hard time breathing. Do you have trouble wearing a bra? I cannot wear one cuz it presses on the incision and bothers the nerves from the surgery.
I had a right upper lobe lobectomy seven weeks ago the incisions have healed greatly my problem is I still have a tingling numb pain below my breast and over to the right side is this a common thing
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5 months post VATS Lobectomy
I'm new here and thought I would just look into what others have went through. I am now 5 months post VATS Lobectomy with my right lower and middle lobes removed due to adenocarcinoma. It was an early detection subsequent to a scan of my bladder and kidneys from a couple of other issues. I felt great until surgery and then all hell broke loose. A week after the initial lobectomy, I suffered from a pneumothorax (collapsed lung) with chest tubes inserted and then a week after that I had a lung blood clot with an IVC filter placed and then MRSA while in the hospital. I was having infusions twice a day of antibiotics for over a month until infection cleared. I started Chemo therapy every three weeks for five hours each session of Cisplatin and Alimta and looking forward to my last session next week. I was told that I have a 50% chance of the cancer returning.I was offered and opted to go into a Clinical Trial which the doc said they were having some great success with the new drug.
I was very active before surgery and started pushing myself to walk three times a day which I got up to a little over a mile each time. At first it was really tough with having to stop and collect my breath and then go again. I started on an illiptical machine a few weeks ago which is a wake up call for how out of shape I have become. I used to be able to go about 30 - 40 minutes and now I am lucky to go a whole 3 minutes before I am totally wasted. I try and do some excercise every morning and it mostly consists of walking in figure 8's due to space in the house with the bad weather. I still have pain when I take a deep breath at the bottom right side of my ribs but hoping this will lessen in time. It helps to read that others are also having the same issues. I am not alone.
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PainBrendad57 said:Lobectomy
I had a right upper lobe lobectomy seven weeks ago the incisions have healed greatly my problem is I still have a tingling numb pain below my breast and over to the right side is this a common thing
I have the same pain in the same location. My surgery was 7 weeks after yours (8 weeks ago). I asked my doctor for a Rx for gabapentin for nerve pain. It's very helpful, but be sure your pharmacist instructs you in how to start out with a small dose and increase it gradually, as needed. How's your energy level?
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Hello! I had a right upperbarbebarb said:Lobectomy recovery=walk, walk, walk!
I have read all these posts and to sum it up it sounds like walk wake walk to work out these pains and heal!
Any other advice?
I also have lidocaine strips I cm cut and place over my ribs......Hello! I had a right upper lobectomy on 12/12/16. I am now doing Tai Chi one day a week and gentle water exercise, as well as a Zumba Gold class at the "Y". I'll get walking more as soon as we get better weather! (I'm in Syracuse, NY.) I admit I was in really good shape before my surgery. I'm a lifetime non-smoker and I eat healthfully. I'm taking gabapentin for the nerve pain below my right breast and wrapping around to the side. And a good nap every afternoon! I'm female and 63 years old.
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One little thing: this may
One little thing: this may sound silly, but it worked. I had my right upper lobe removed on 12/12/16. I was advised not to drive until I saw the doctor on the 30th of December. But he didn't say I couldn't take a car ride or do anything away from the house. I had been dying to see the animated movie "Sing". I still was quite breathless and having rib and incision pain. My best friend took me to see the movie 8 days after I came home from the hospital. I laughed for 90 straight minutes because I loved the movie. After that, I was tired, but I noticed that my breathing was easier and I definitely had less pain.
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Hello, recently my mom (48) got diagonsed with Non small lung cancer Stage 2. She will go under surgery on 25.03.17. It would be open surgery (not VATS). I am very much worried thinking of is this surgery dangerous. Will she be cured at this stage and will she get back to her normal life. Please give your inputs what you have been gone through. Thank you all.
Be always happy.
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Non cell carcinoma, N1 T2
Is this still a active page? If so I'm a survivor I had to have a sleeve resection as well as a lobectomy. It's been 1 year cancer free!. I'm wondering from all these posts When does the dull nagging pain go away? I was the type to push my body and stopped the narcotics after 2 weeks! I hate taking any types of pills at all. But ibuprofen I pop those like they are m&m's, also I gained 40lbs. My oncologist asked if I was trying for a heart attack next. so with that being said comes the stress. My doctor proscribed pills for "slight depression"if you will. Again I hate pills, when I took them it seemed to be worse and kept me up 1/2 The night. So any help on the help with pain ideas of how long, and the stress of it all, and getting back some motivation due to the nagging dulling pain. Thanks in advanc. Sorry so long!
Dave Taylor
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Inferior Left Lobectomy
I had a lobectomy of lower left lobe Mon. Aug. 14, and am hoping to be sent home this Fri., Aug. 18. So far, there's been much less discomfort than when I had a diaphragmatic hernia repair and when I had my knee replaced. I already feel better without that diseased lobe. They already verified that it was cancer, but I won't know the results of the full pathology report for a oouple more days. Sorry that dosn't help with your question, Dave, but hopefully you'll hear from someone that knows. God bless.
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Lobectomymy49er said:I had my upper right lobe removed Jan 3 2001. Still have pain but is getting better. Not as tired anymore, still out of shape. My doc said it would probably be a year before I'm back to half way normal, of course being macho I didn't believe him, but I now believe. We had a major trauma to our bodies and to our mental. My biggest problem is for about 4 months I was a couch potato. Have gained 25lbs, but mowing the lawn and doing yard work helps. I forgot what it was like to smell the Roses. Take care it's a good pain.
seeing if you're still a member.
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Right lobectomyChickapee said:Lobectomy
seeing if you're still a member.
I had a right lobectomy on Aug 17, 2017. Were you looking for support or questions? I had benign carcanoid tumor in my bronchial tube. The took my upper right lung. I am doing very well, back to work. I am still trying to figure out what my new normal is going to be. Hope you are doing well.
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upper left lobectomoy
on november 28 i had the upper part of my left lung removed, i am still having alot of pain and numbness where the tube was. as having back pain where they went in to remover left upper lobe. does anyone know about how long this will last. my doctor just says that everyone is different. i hv yet to go through chemo, so i dont know what to expect. any advice will be greztfully recieved. ty
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