Bowel movement

henny Member Posts: 1
edited March 2014 in Stomach Cancer #1
I had a total gastrectomy in August 2000. I am 71 years old, have recovered reasonably well, however after having lost 18 kg.(am now 49kg) I can't put on weight.My main problem is bowel movement which causes me enormous pains. Anybody out there who could suggest help?


  • trisher
    trisher Member Posts: 9
    Hi Henny, I have also had a total gastrectomy in Sept. They also took some of my esophagus. I am a woman and 53 years old. My bowel movement sometimes cause me pain, but thats when I don't drink enough. I know its hard to get all the fluid as well as the food we need, but need to remember the fluid. Also fruit juices(watered down) help me. I am having trouble just eating. I have already had my esophagus stretched and still it is difficult to eat protein such as meat. I think I am going to try tofu. Good luck, Trish
  • rmpc
    rmpc Member Posts: 4
    I'm sorry I can't help you with your question, but can you help me with mine? My mother is 76, was operated on Jan 10, 2001 at Memorial Sloan Kettering in NYC. She still cannot have anything by mouth, still has a drain and drain bag and has a J tube for feeding. They claim she is just a slow healer. How long did it take for you to be able to receive liquids at least. Are you on solid food? Did you or do you have a J tube and how did you or are you coping with it? Did you get depressed and how did you deal with that? Are there any questions besides the obvious ones that I should be asking the doctor? Please read my "76 Year Old Mom with Stomach Cancer" I am rmpc. I wish you well and would appreciate communicating with you.