gleason 8 and hormone treatment

mollydog Member Posts: 3
edited March 2014 in Prostate Cancer #1
is there anyone out there with a gleason 8 and who is on hormone...I was cancer free for two years and now it is back, I was wondering how long someone with a high gleason can be on hormones before they quit working, I'm considering intermitten therapy, thanks for any imput


  • 2375dgg
    2375dgg Member Posts: 29
    You can read my story at I had Gleason score of 6 and was on hormone treatment until I made a decision on what to do. Anyone with Gleason score of 8 should get to a comprehensive Cancer Center and get immediate treatment before the pca spreads to the bones. You do not have much time to wait, cancer waits for no one. You probably need radical surgery or radiation treatment NOW.
  • mollydog
    mollydog Member Posts: 3
    This is recurring cancer prostate cancer, treatment two years ago I had seed implants and radiation. The PSA just started to go up, it is at 2.2 they will start intermitten hormones, when it gets to 4...I was interested in knowing how long someone can stay on hormones before they no longer worked. I pick intermitten because I believe that being able to go off them from time to time, will length the use of them.
  • stxdave
    stxdave Member Posts: 3
    I am presently taking hormones, after 3-D radiation treatments. I have been on lupron for approx. 18 mos. I have been told by several uro;ogists that pulsing the hormones has had some success and is perhaps in my future. My gleason was 7. I was told to take lupron for two years solid and then wait and see. That's assuming the psa level remains at less than .1 for the entire two years.
    I don't think any of us can use the term "cancer free". Remission is a more accurate, if disturbing, term. I wish you lots of luck.
    I would be very interested in your experience from here on out, because I may be following your footsteps at a later date.
  • mollydog
    mollydog Member Posts: 3
    stxdave said:

    I am presently taking hormones, after 3-D radiation treatments. I have been on lupron for approx. 18 mos. I have been told by several uro;ogists that pulsing the hormones has had some success and is perhaps in my future. My gleason was 7. I was told to take lupron for two years solid and then wait and see. That's assuming the psa level remains at less than .1 for the entire two years.
    I don't think any of us can use the term "cancer free". Remission is a more accurate, if disturbing, term. I wish you lots of luck.
    I would be very interested in your experience from here on out, because I may be following your footsteps at a later date.

    Thanks for your response, I will see the Doctor April 16 and see what my PSA is doing right now it is at 2.2..I had radiation and seed implant two years ago, but I think I'm leaning towards intermitten hormone therapy..
  • clausewitz
    clausewitz Member Posts: 7
    I had Gleason 8 also and am on Zoladex since 27 months.PSA remains 0.After 3years androgen suppression will be stopped to avoid resistance of the cancer cells.They will go on intermittent suppression if PSA rises again
    Good luck
  • clausewitz
    clausewitz Member Posts: 7
    mollydog said:

    This is recurring cancer prostate cancer, treatment two years ago I had seed implants and radiation. The PSA just started to go up, it is at 2.2 they will start intermitten hormones, when it gets to 4...I was interested in knowing how long someone can stay on hormones before they no longer worked. I pick intermitten because I believe that being able to go off them from time to time, will length the use of them.

    I am on hormonetreatment since 27 months and will get three more shots of Zoladex.After 3 years I will get intermittent hormone suppression if PSA rises again(meaning cancer is growing again)Doctors overhere believe 3 years is the limit before the cancer cells get resistant to LHRH treatment
    But that is not sure at all.They say they do not know exactly and proceed with trial and error.What is sure you will feel better yourself without constant treatment but be careful for agressive cancers.They can grow very rapidly.Good luck
  • 2ndBase
    2ndBase Member Posts: 220
    My Gleason was 9. I took one shot of Lupron followed by 40+ radiation treatments which ended about 10 months ago. To me the side effects of no job, no insurance, no sex, no energy, and others are not worth the 2% chance of living 10 years which is what I was told.
  • dericksonray
    dericksonray Member Posts: 1
    Just wondering how do you

    Just wondering how do you feel on horemone treatment?

  • VascodaGama
    VascodaGama Member Posts: 3,700 Member
    Hormonal Treatment


    Welcome to the board.
    This thread is more than ten years old. I doubt you will get answers from the participants unless you mail them the request. You can try the CSN mail services to reach them or you can start your own thread requesting details from recent patients on hormonal treatment (HT).
    I am on intermittent hormonal therapy doing well. You can read my story in this thread and other links;


    Here you can read details about the typical side effects caused in HT;

    You can buy on Amazon (used copies about 2US$) a book explaining details of the treatment. It is old but still the best on the subject:

    Beating Prostate Cancer: Hormonal Therapy & Diet, by Dr. Charles “Snuffy” Myers.

    Best wishes,


  • Butch1969
    Butch1969 Member Posts: 25

    Just wondering how do you

    Just wondering how do you feel on horemone treatment?

    Hormone treatment

    except for the hot flashes I feel fine.

  • leamon
    leamon Member Posts: 39

    Hormonal Treatment


    Welcome to the board.
    This thread is more than ten years old. I doubt you will get answers from the participants unless you mail them the request. You can try the CSN mail services to reach them or you can start your own thread requesting details from recent patients on hormonal treatment (HT).
    I am on intermittent hormonal therapy doing well. You can read my story in this thread and other links;


    Here you can read details about the typical side effects caused in HT;

    You can buy on Amazon (used copies about 2US$) a book explaining details of the treatment. It is old but still the best on the subject:

    Beating Prostate Cancer: Hormonal Therapy & Diet, by Dr. Charles “Snuffy” Myers.

    Best wishes,



    VG--First thing, thanks for sharing the wealth of knowledge you have.  The book must be in hugh demand.  I just checked and it is $35 and up.  I'll check the library.


  • skipperben
    skipperben Member Posts: 6
    2ndBase said:

    My Gleason was 9. I took one shot of Lupron followed by 40+ radiation treatments which ended about 10 months ago. To me the side effects of no job, no insurance, no sex, no energy, and others are not worth the 2% chance of living 10 years which is what I was told.

    How are you today

    Are you still alive.. just wondering about the 2%.  I have a gleason score of 9 and will begin hormone therapy this week.  Again.. hope you're still with us

  • hopeful and optimistic
    hopeful and optimistic Member Posts: 2,346 Member

    How are you today

    Are you still alive.. just wondering about the 2%.  I have a gleason score of 9 and will begin hormone therapy this week.  Again.. hope you're still with us



    second base is no longer with us. Now-a-days there is additional hormone therapies that are available to fight the beast

    suggest that you start a new thread or input for your situation, if you wish....... click" discussion board" above, click" add new forum topic" in upper left corner under discusson boards

  • Terrified Wife
    Terrified Wife Member Posts: 4
    edited August 2018 #15

    My husband was diagnosed in May '18 with aggresive PC - he is 60.  Gleason score 8 and has metastasised.  He is on Casodex and Lupron and Xgeva for build up of the bone.  No chemo or radiation at this time.  His PSA was 24 in May.  After a month on treatment it is down to a 7!  Anyone else experience this dramatic drop in PSA numbers?


  • Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3
    Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3 Member Posts: 3,817 Member


    My husband was diagnosed in May '18 with aggresive PC - he is 60.  Gleason score 8 and has metastasised.  He is on Casodex and Lupron and Xgeva for build up of the bone.  No chemo or radiation at this time.  His PSA was 24 in May.  After a month on treatment it is down to a 7!  Anyone else experience this dramatic drop in PSA numbers?



    Welcome to you , T. W.

    With your husband's particulars, it is normal to proceed straight in to Hormonal treatment (HT).  His PSA drop is very good, and likely will continue.

    I recommend that you start a new thread for your responses here; the one you are on is long dormant. They are free and only take a minute or less to begin.

    There are a lot of Stage 4 guys here who have played the HT card successfully for years, and I'm sure they will begin sending you valuable insights very soon.


  • VascodaGama
    VascodaGama Member Posts: 3,700 Member
    Aggressive but treatable


    Gleason score 8 is usually linked to worse status, but the decrease of the PSA indicates that the condition may be treatable. Please start a new thread and lets us know more details on his diagnosis together with the image exam results, symptoms and any other health issue he may have/had.

    Best wishes,
