Neuropathy clinical trials

Rosepicks Member Posts: 1
I'm new to the site. I just heard that there were clinical trials for Neuropathy. I have Neuropathy as a result of cisplatin chemo and developed it about two years ago. It was slowly going away and I had a second round of cancer and chemo again. This added to the Neuropathy that I already had, so I still have it. I notice everything I try to find out about the trials that it is Diabetic Neuropathy, which I don't have. Can someone steer me to the correct website about these trials. I noticed one discussion mentioned M.D. Anderson in Houston, which I respect highly of their treatments. Anyone???? Thanks


  • soccerfreaks
    soccerfreaks Member Posts: 2,788 Member
    The magazine CURE, affiliated with ACS, has an online version at Go there and look around for their section on clinical trials, and hopefully you can find something there pertaining to neuropathy as it pertains to cancer and cancer treatment. I know that the paper version of the mag lists clinical trials of various sorts every quarter.

    Good luck with this!

    Take care,

  • Unfortunately, I don't know
    Unfortunately, I don't know of any clinical trials at present for what you have. But I would like to bring to your attention a publication a few years ago about acetyl-l-carnitine in the treatment of cisplatin induced neuropathy:

    Symptomatic and neurophysiological responses of paclitaxel- or cisplatin-induced neuropathy to oral acetyl-l-carnitine:

    You can go to a web page at WebMD to get further information on acetyl-l-carnitine:

    My wife developed pretty bad neuropathy after 12 cycles of Oxaliplatin. After a month of frustrating pain and tingling in her legs and fingers, as well as decreased manual dexterity with her fingers and hands, she started taking acetyl-l-carnitine which can be purchased on-line or in stores that carry nutritional supplements. (The particular brand she has been using is Jarrow Formulas.) Immediately after starting it, she noticed improvement; and the process of improvement has been slow and gradual over the last 6 months. There is no question in our mind that this has helped her.