Scan coming trying to be prepared

worriedson714 Member Posts: 333 Member

Hello ,

       So my dad has a scan coming up next week so of course I am already worried I honestly don't know how to not worry about scans . So I am hoping for the best and trying to prepare for the worse . If this chemotherapy isn't working I been wondering what is the next steps we could talk about pursuing ? My dad says no matter what he isn't giving up so hoping there will be another option out there . Been thinking alot about my dad's tumor being " mostly necrotic cells " . I don't know much about if that changes treatment but some research and I found out it is a poor prgnosis which I wish I didn't know . 

          The oncologist seems to think in only terms of " standard chemotherapy " but to me if the tumor is necrotic it has to change how it is treated right ? So I am looking for information on necrotic tumors anything someone might know about treatments is there certain chemo drugs better for those tumors ? Any information people know about research done on this types of tumors any questions I should be asking about necrotic tumors and treatment of them to the oncologist ? 

          I am hoping for the best hoping this chemotherapy works and I know it will just crush if it doesn't he has been fighting so hard on it . So i want to go into appointment with oncologist after the CT scan with as much information as possiable . I am praying if this chemotherapy doesn't work that there is other options out there . 

      Also another question to those who did folfiri and it didn't work what was the next step your oncologist took and was it a success ? Is it time to look into clinical trails if folfiri fails ?  I know everyone is different and like I said just looking for information about a next step if we need one . At this point I honestly think best thing i can do for my dad is have all the information about what's out there . So then my dad can make a informed choice about his treatment .