What were your mastectomy essentials?

misty72 Member Posts: 1

Hello!  I am new here and I hope I am not adding a thread that was already addressed.   I have been diagnosed with invasive ductal carcinoma but it came through a non traditional route.  I had breast reduction surgeryon December 17, 2020.  I was supposed to go get a mammogram in November but I had to miss 2 appointments due to exposure/testing for covid.  I didn't worry about it since there is no history of breast cancer in my family.  When the surgeon did the surgery the tissue that was removed was biopsied and he also removed a spot that he thought was "suspicious".  It turned out that the spot was IDC.  Since I am still recovering from surgery they have not been able to do any scans because the healing tissue, swelling and fluid would not give them clear results.   They also are not sure at this point if I had only one tumor or two that were cut in half but they do know that one sample didn't have a positive margin.  They are recommending a mastectomy.  After living for years with large, uncomfortable breasts I am not sad to tell them goodbye!  I am currently dealing with complications of the reduction surgery (had to have a drain installed this week because the initial surgeon did not install a drain, swelling and possible infection) and am just looking for things I can do to feel like I am on top of things and trying to be ready for the mastectomy and recovery period.  I have looked around and there are lots of mastectomy products but I have also noticed as soon as the word mastectomy is added the price goes through the roof!  I thought before I spend any money I would get an idea of what other people found useful during their recovery.  Right now I am looking most specifically at a "Shower Shirt".   In my head it sounds like a wonderful idea because I could use it now while trying to deal with my drain and still working but I am hoping someone with actual experience with the product will let me know if it is worth it.


I am open and happy to get any advice or suggestions.  I will probably be waiting a good month or more until surgery and I have to find a way to occupy myself and feel like I am doing something useful!



  • JayC10
    JayC10 Member Posts: 6
    edited January 2021 #2
    Mastectomy Ready

    Hi Misty.  So sorry to hear of your experience.  I'm a RN for 38 yrs.  In Oct 2019 I was 1 week pre op for a knee replacement and decided to throw in a mammo...stage 3 ductal Ca with lymphnode mets.   Then I had complications post mastectomy.   Thank goodness that MD did that biopsey. What do you need ?  The shower shirt is not necessary.  Get some good tape and just tape the drains to your abdomen.  Worked very well for me and i had 3 drains after first surgery.   I was surprised to hear no drain after surgery.  Fluid will resolve.  Just give it time.   Any other specific or general questions.  Pleas feel free to write.  I just joined the site myself.  Best of luck to you.  JayC10