Late Radiation & Chemotherapy Effects-8 years out


I had tonsil cancer (T1, N2, stage 4, HPV+) with 8 weeks radiation (70GY), and concomitant erbitux biologic infusiion in 2012. I did lose taste sensations, during treatment, but they returned about 3-6 months after treatment ended.

Now, after nearly 8 years out, I have suddenly lost all taste sensations, have a "deviated tongue," a noticeable tightening in my throat, and thickening of fibrosis on either side of my neck. Radiology oncologist indicates that around 8 years out, these effects are fairly common and there is not much that can be done. I have looked at the research articles on this, and, few actually discuss the progression of these symptoms - is there an evitable downhill slide? and if so, how long is the downhill slide take on the average? 

Has anyone else here experienced this? Any thoughts? Thanks!