Sharp Pain where my tumor used to be

slevkovich Member Posts: 1

Hello everyone, I had a 4cm tumor on my left thyroid which long story short i had to get my thyroid removed, which was November of 2018. When they initially tested my tumor in the operating room, it came back non cancerous. However, after they sent it to labs -- they found a cancer in a small slice of the tumer. My doctor said even though i do not have the cancer now, the fact that the tumor touched my blood vessels, she suggested a round of radioactive iodine. I have opted out of radioactive iodine and I am being monitored with sonograms twice a year and a chest xray once a year. I recently had my first sonogram after the surgery and my chest xray and everything comes back clean. But recently, I have been experiencing sharp pains where my tumor used to be -- they come and they go. I was wondering if anyone else has had a tumor, goiter from their thyroid and experience sharp pain months after their surgery? From all my research all i can find is neurpathic pain. 


Any shared experiences will be so greatly appreciated! 


  • Verge
    Verge Member Posts: 15


    I'm sorry that I don't have any advice because I don't hear the same shared experience, but I am here to "listen"...

