Strange worrisome symptoms

Wavestotheworld Member Posts: 1
edited July 2019 in Anal Cancer #1

Hi. I hope not to offend anyone by posting here as I do no have a cancer diagnosis. I have anxiety and have had stomach and bowel issues my whole life. I am now 34. I have had hemrriofs since I was a teen and bowel movements have always been inconsistent in Size and frequency.. I recently had an endoscopy ( feb 19)showed acid reflux , and was not having any bowel issues at the time. Shortly After he prcoedure i noticed a bit of blood  my stool after a large bowel movement. Not unusual since I have had hems most of my life. Anyway, I noticed a large painful hem that got smaller after abot four days, however after this is has always felt sensative/ full sometimes. Additionally, I gave. Birth vaginally - vacuum assisted three years ago. Like worst hemirods ever after.. I also now have some level of bladder/vaginal proloaspe- causing some unrinary probelms. Basically was told to live with it.


So for the last few months I have some anal sensitively and some feeling fnfillness. Things def pop out when i go number 2. Haven’t seen any blood since for months ago, but stiool has been consistently thin and soft for at least two weeks. This is not out of He norm for me, but typically it will be normal some of The time. I had a colonoscopy five years ago showed hwmreiods and acid reflux.  I also have somewhat low iron recently but Not anemic. ( blood test done in dec 18)I have heavy periods with large clots so this was the explanation. I am begining To worry about anal cancer at this point, but also wonder if i my pelvic organ prolapses are progressin. I think I am going to call my GI tomorrow I make an appointment but wonder if I should call obgyn too. I feel so anxious ... I keep googling! Ugh.


thanks for reading. Sorry for typos my phone is awful!


  • Kaleena
    Kaleena Member Posts: 2,088 Member
    Don’t Google

    Googling any information can scare you greatly.  A lot of the information on there is old and outdated.  The best thing you can do is schedule appointments with your PCP and a gynecologist.  Then a GI doctor is necessar.    Going on google and worrying will only give you more anxiety which can make matters worse.  

    Next thing to do is breathe!   

  • Cozy
    Cozy Member Posts: 1
    Arm pain after infusion

    My husband is in the middle of his second round of chemo for colon cancer. About 30 minutes after his first infusion he developed pain in the vein they used. Pain went from wrist to elbow and lasted 3-4 days. During his second infusion, the pain started during the infusion. It was worse than the first time in intensity, went from wrist to shoulder and lasted about 5 days. Tried moist heat, dry heat and ice. Nothing seems to he!p. Wondering if anyone else has experienced this and how you handled it. 

  • eihtak
    eihtak Member Posts: 1,473 Member
    Cozy said:

    Arm pain after infusion

    My husband is in the middle of his second round of chemo for colon cancer. About 30 minutes after his first infusion he developed pain in the vein they used. Pain went from wrist to elbow and lasted 3-4 days. During his second infusion, the pain started during the infusion. It was worse than the first time in intensity, went from wrist to shoulder and lasted about 5 days. Tried moist heat, dry heat and ice. Nothing seems to he!p. Wondering if anyone else has experienced this and how you handled it. 



    I have not had this myself but have heard of others who do so I would guess its "unfortunately" not uncommon. I would be sure to mention it to the nurse or doctor though to rule out anything serious. One gal I know that was treated for ovarian cancer had relief after her doctor added an extra dose of saline after the infusion. For sure bring it up so they can work with your husband on need to make this process worse than needed if there is a fix! Could he get a port or pic line so no need for IV in the vein?
