Carcinosarcoma on ovary

1978gs550 Member Posts: 4

My 69 year old "healthy" wife had total radical hysterectomy + appendix 2 weeks ago; "carcinosarcoma" ; going tomorrow to gynocolgical oncologist surgeon to learn "staging" opinion. All comments welcomed.


  • cmb
    cmb Member Posts: 1,001 Member
    Carcinosarcoma (MMMT)

    I'm a visitor from the uterine board who has uterine carcinosarcoma, which, although still rare, is a bit more common a location for carcinosarcoma to occur.  I'm sorry you've had to find this site due to your wife's diagnosis. Once you and your wife learn more about the recommended next steps, please check back both on the ovarian board and uterine boards as the treatment plan is often quite similar and you can search or ask questions specific to your wife's planned treatment.

    There is also a Yahoo site that is dedicated to carcinosarcoma:

    You have to submit a request to join this group, which can take a few days to be approved, but there are other women in that group who were diagnosed with carcinosarcoma in the ovary(ies).

    I know that this diagnosis is a shock, especially if you've done any reading on the internet. But keep in mind that the statistics given online are based on treatments that occurred in the past and may not reflect current guidelines.

    Keep us posted on how your wife is doing. We're here to support you both.

  • Tethys41
    Tethys41 Member Posts: 1,382 Member
    Gyn/onc and cancer

    Greetings 1978,

    Sorry about your wife's diagnosis.  Was the cancer discovered during the surgery, or was it discovered from pathology?  I assume cancer was not suspected at the time of her surgery, as typically, if cancer is suspected, the patient is referred to a gyn/onc to perform the surgery.

    I hope the doctor determines this was early stage, but regardless, it is typical that she will be prescribed chemotherapy treatments. 

    Definitely update us on her appointment.  There are things she can do to reduce the side effects of chemo, which doctors don't typically mention.

    Good luck.