Baths during Treatments

Nidus Member Posts: 4

I was told by the radiotherapy nurse that I couldn't take baths during treatment, but I don't see any prohibition on some of the other cancer sites, including MSKCC's.  I love taking baths and I would assume they would help relieve burning and itching if they were short.  Does anyone have any information or experience, bad or good, with taking baths?



  • mp327
    mp327 Member Posts: 4,440 Member

    I don't know why you would be told this.  Many of us, including myself, found baths soothing during treatment.  I did not add Epsom Salts to my baths, but I know some people say they found that soothing.  I soaked in the tub frequently during treatment.  As far as I know, it caused no adverse effects.  I am coming up on 10 years of survival post-treatment.  Good luck to you.

  • tanda
    tanda Member Posts: 174 Member

    I continued to take baths and showers and as the radated area became more painful, I spent more time lying in the bathtub and letting the water run over me.  I also ha a little sitz bath that I used several times a day when i didn't want to climb into the tub and get wet all over. I would check this out with the Dr or maybe another nurse.  I have never read or heard this advice.

  • smc0057
    smc0057 Member Posts: 17
    I was also told by the

    I was also told by the radiation oncologist that stiz baths (he said no epsom salts) would be helpful.   I personally didn't take baths, but many people here have found them very helpful.  I'd revisit this topic with your doctor.

  • Wisteria83
    Wisteria83 Member Posts: 160

    I lived on the toilet and in the tub both during and after treatment.  The tub gave me the most relief from the burning pain from radiation.  I bought a sitz bath but never used it.  I'd come home from my treatments and soak my bottom in the tub, slather on gobs of Aquafor and lay in bed with a chux pad and nothing else so I wouldn't need to change the sheets so frequently.  I used rather tepid water in the tub and it was wonderful.  I can't tell you how many nights I'd get out of bed just to go sit in the tub to ease the pain...and I was on high doses of pain meds too.  Take your baths, as many as you like, and have no worries about it.  I've never heard of it being contraindicated.  So relax and enjoy.

  • Nidus
    Nidus Member Posts: 4

    Thanks everyone.  Have my second round of chemo next week in a bag  tied to my port. but after that I’m taking to the tub!

  • Ottawamarc1234
    Ottawamarc1234 Member Posts: 148 Member
    Nidus said:


    Thanks everyone.  Have my second round of chemo next week in a bag  tied to my port. but after that I’m taking to the tub!

    Early Days. .Stinging In Bath..Cant clean hole out properly...

    Time will tell. More practise each day after every miserable poo. When will my poos look normal again? Flat or small these days.