Inference of BIOPSY REPORT & it's recourse

Hi Ya'll,


I write on behalf of my ailing mother . She had been unwell for long periods owing to Sinus related issues. However recently in the past 6-10 months there has been increased swelling in neck accompanied by headaches and fatigue. 


In a general environment where cancer outbreaks has afflicted with & Kin we were worried. 


We consulted doctor who had recommended BIOPSY test et Al. Surgery has been recommended. I'm not sure if report is a mere medical opinion.


However I want to know the true Inference of the report & if any form of alternative treatments can be employed to avoid any invasive surgery on her who has had uterine fibroid removed by surgery earlier. 


Please do go through the WEBLINK for all reports taken till now.


It'll be of immense help to get expert opinion on the same & if at all there are chances of Cancerous growth. Any alternative method if available would be of help too. 



Much thanks in advance.