Colon soothing medication? A little graphic...

JanJan63 Member Posts: 2,478 Member

When I was released from the hospital after I'd had sepsis in September the docotr there said he was going to give me a colon soothing prescription. They called the prescriptions in to my pharmacy. It turned out there wasn't one included. I'm having a lot of trouble lately and I'm wondering if anyone uses one or has used one? If so, did it work? And what was it called?

Ever since my ostomy I've had drainage rectally. Its a mixture of mucous and some blood. Every time I've brought it up with my surgeon he says it's normal and when they do the probe he says there's nothing there but that my colon is very angry and irritated from not being used and this is why I have so much drainage. It's normal because the colon produces mucous to help things move along. The problem I'm having is that from years of only having diarrhea from IBS my rectum is very tight and the stuff draining out doesn't come out so easily. I've been constipated only a few times in my life and when I was it was horrible. The pain would make me nearly pass out. What's happening now is that I feel constipated all the time. It's SO uncomfortable. 

Usually I'll get it for a few days and then it stops but this time it's been weeks. It hurts to sit up and hurts even more to stand. I've been using Preparation H which helps a little bit. But I'm wondering about this colon soothing medication that they'd mentioned.

Sometimes I feel like I never get a freaking break. I finally mostly got over the fatigue that was severe after the sepsis but now I have this. If it's not one thing it's something else.

Any suggestions?




  • Bellen
    Bellen Member Posts: 281 Member
    Soothing medication

    Hi Jan - I am not sure about the colon soothing med, except for products like Anusol ointments and suppositories.  I use Miralax everyday as I have had chronic constipation due to a small intestinal stricture and the low residue diet I pretty much follow.  During chemo, I suffered from days of constipation, then diarrhea, so really irritated the skin.  I found sitz baths and regular baths a few times a day helped more than the Anusol products.  I bought a sitz bath just at Walmart.  Not sure if this would help, but seemed to help externally, as well as internally.  Good luck.

  • Annabelle41415
    Annabelle41415 Member Posts: 6,742 Member

    I'm thinking that this is what it was that someone recommended to me for a rectum that was completely and totally burning from wiping and going to the bathroom and all the acid that it produces.  I'm not sure if that is totally your problem, but that helped me so much.  It's a thick lotion that you rub on and it works as a barrier and lets you go several times without having to reapply it.  You can only get it from behind the pharmacy counter as they don't sell it OTC.  They can order it for you if your pharmacy doesn't stock it.  Hope this helps and I'm hoping that you feel better.


  • JanJan63
    JanJan63 Member Posts: 2,478 Member
    Thank you Bellen and Kim! I

    Thank you Bellen and Kim! I was actually thinking about something to take orally, if there is such a thing. I've had a couple of good days but it'll come back and it's just miserable. Kim, I'll look for that stuff because that is part of the problem. Itseems like I always must have something to bother me. When I started to feel better after the sepsis my sciatica flared up. That got under control and now this. I've forgotten what it feels like to have no pain or something going on.


  • ThomasH
    ThomasH Member Posts: 106 Member
    edited February 2018 #5
    I'm not sure if this applies for you or not

    If you're having muscle spasms in your intestines, I used to take Buscopan when I had my partial stricture.

    It is a smooth muscle relaxant. It helps with intestinal cramping, which may or may not be what you are experiencing. Orally, you might even try something like pepermint tea or pepermint oil which also work as muscle relaxants, but in a lighter way. 

    If you are having discomfort in the disconnected part of your colon, (and I know this is in the TMI category) have you tried anything like a warm saline enema just to clear things out of the lower part of the colon? While I had my ostomy I had that mucus discharge as well, and I would give things a rince once in a while. The warm saline helps to disolve any mucus buildup so it is more watery and flows out easier.

    My thoughts, for what they are worth. I hope you get some relief soon Jan.


  • JanJan63
    JanJan63 Member Posts: 2,478 Member
    ThomasH said:

    I'm not sure if this applies for you or not

    If you're having muscle spasms in your intestines, I used to take Buscopan when I had my partial stricture.

    It is a smooth muscle relaxant. It helps with intestinal cramping, which may or may not be what you are experiencing. Orally, you might even try something like pepermint tea or pepermint oil which also work as muscle relaxants, but in a lighter way. 

    If you are having discomfort in the disconnected part of your colon, (and I know this is in the TMI category) have you tried anything like a warm saline enema just to clear things out of the lower part of the colon? While I had my ostomy I had that mucus discharge as well, and I would give things a rince once in a while. The warm saline helps to disolve any mucus buildup so it is more watery and flows out easier.

    My thoughts, for what they are worth. I hope you get some relief soon Jan.


    Thank you Thomas! This is the

    Thank you Thomas! This is the longest I've had it go on and I'm really fed up with it at this point. I will check into what you've suggested. Thanks for the suggestions.


  • danker
    danker Member Posts: 1,276 Member
    edited February 2018 #7

    You might try Radiagel.  It's available at wallmart pharmacy.

  • JanJan63
    JanJan63 Member Posts: 2,478 Member
    danker said:


    You might try Radiagel.  It's available at wallmart pharmacy.

    Thank you! Some of the

    Thank you! Some of the products you can get in the states we can't get here but I'll check that out.
