6 Months since LDOT (Last Day of Treatment)

Bob Watt
Bob Watt Member Posts: 60 Member

It's been a rough ride, but apart from dry mouth it looks like clear sailing ahead. My oncologist says I'm NED and that is good enough for me. Finally getting energy to get out and do things although my interest in the garden has wained. What used to be a pleasure now takes an effort. I'm hoping that will change.


  • Andy13460
    Andy13460 Member Posts: 115
    6 Months

    6 Months thats great Im 2 months behind you Ive got an appointment every 8 weeks for the first year then it moves out a bit. My ENT consultant says if you get the first year without it coming back there is a good chance it wont. 

  • OKCnative
    OKCnative Member Posts: 326 Member
    edited October 2017 #3
    Can't wait to do my PET scan

    Can't wait to do my PET scan and get a NED (December).

    I'm a gardener too. Actually, we garden veggies and we have a large pollinator garden, raise bees, tend to my guineas and chickens too. Not to mention the wife and I maintain our 2.5 acre lot.

    I scaled some of it back before treatment started and had to teach the wife how to use the large zero turn mower, weed eaters etc. 

    She was very glad when treatment ended and I could get out more. My biggest challenge was that I was out of practice and I'd forget what all needed to be done (chemo brain).

    5-weeks out and my routine is almost back. Luckily I'm still motived to garden and landscape. My biggest obstacle is fatigue.

    I'm just glad to be outside and alive.