HPV related cancer made the evening news

Dean54 Member Posts: 160 Member

I was watching the NBC national feed news last nite and there was a segment about all the new cases of throat cancer in men related to the HPV virus. To bad the vaccine wasn't available when were kids.


  • OKCnative
    OKCnative Member Posts: 326 Member
    I've noticed several articles

    I've noticed several articles and news pieces lately regarding HPV related cancers. Glad to see the awareness getting out there. So many people I talk to really know nothing about HPV or think that since they've been married or with someone for X number of years that means they don't have it.

  • rsp
    rsp Member Posts: 103 Member
    Nightly News Segment

    My daughter called me from Georgia to tell me she saw the segment.  (My husband is 10 months out from SCC tumor on tongue with HPV). She is a speech pathologist and works in a hospital.  She said it is AMAZING how many cases they are seeing.  She sent me the link so I could watch it.  Here it is if anyone is interested. (Only a few minutes long.)


  • RobLee
    RobLee Member Posts: 269 Member
    New to this...

    I was recently scoped by an ENT and facing an MRI next week for a suspected mass at the base of my tongue. HPV was the first thing he threw out as a a possibility.  Of course I was already familiar with the term, but did not know until starting research that there was this recent spike in cases among mature males.  My wife and I have been married for 37 years and have been totally monogamous. Putting the pieces together I recognized that as we have practiced occasional oral stimulation together, HPV is the most likely culprit, but the big question is, why now?

    Both of us already have had recent cancers and therefore likely have lowered immunite systems. Also I have just finished 70 Grays pelvic rad last week, and I'm wondering what I might expect following the MRI and might be facing in the way of treatment. This is my first time in this forum but have been very active in other forums here on CSN and elsewhere.

  • Curlyn
    Curlyn Member Posts: 189
    Nurses are also at high risk

    Nurses are also at high risk though very little info out there- it wasn't always safe needles so there were needle sticks, bites from confused pts, body fluids ie. exposure to hemorrhages, spit in face. Today there are more protective apparel but Im betting more women will soon start showing up.