Anybody use/used vaginal estrogen post menopause?

JKoehler25 Member Posts: 12

I was one of the 20% women who had severe post menopausal vaginal pain. As a matter of fact it also affected my bladder/ urethra causing burning pain and incontinence. I was allergic to something in pharmaceuticals, so a compounding pharmacist made me a special blend with a base I wouldn't be allergic to. Here is my dilemma. Seems since I now have had breast CA, everyone is against me using this. It is vaginal, not systemic. I asked pharmacist yrs ago why this wouldn't help hot flashes etc. He said because it has only a local vaginal affect. Stays in tissue. This stuff was so good I only had to use a little dab about 3 times a month once I got the condition under control. Now I have men Dr's telling me what to do, which I don't like at all. I am an adult woman and I can make my own decisions about my health. I am not living with this horrible condition just because some know it all Dr's have decided to refuse me this prescription. I will never go back to this gyn Dr again and I have gone there over 40yrs. I DO NOT LIKE other people deciding for me what's best for me. Therefore, since these so intelligent bossy MEN have decided my fate for all time, I have made decision to not take any estrogen killing drugs they want me to take for 10yrs. I find it reprehensible that they sentence me to a life of misery. This condition is not fun. If I take the drugs they want me to take it will make my vaginal condition even worse. Evidentally they don't care about any pain or suffering, but that was pretty evident while I was getting CA treatment anyway. If find it very amusing that people think that curly hair growing in is so cutesy and great. My take on that is if those drugs can actually change the color and texture of someone's hair, then what is it doing to all your vital organs. I guess people with cancer have to find something to be amused about or you would go nuts, so I can see it. But I am very pragmatic, and don't go in for all the comedy of CA. Women suffer all kinds of horrible permanent conditions after treatmen. Lifelong problems. This is no joke. Actually these Dr's have made me lose my sense of humor fast. I am trying to figure out a way to get my prescription, and I will get it in spite of their interference. I am thinking of turning both of them into Ohio board of medicine. They have no right to decide my fate. I am the master of that. Cancer did not rob me of my rights. I made all the decisions, and I guess they didn't like some of them. Well, too bad. I am not a sheep to be led to the slaughter. One thing I did find out the hard way is that chemo kills a lot of people. I thank the Lord every single day I refused last 4 treatments of taxol. It wasn't needed anyway. Tumor was small enough to remove. I can't imagine how much worse I would be now, if I had taken them. I figure it this way. If CA comes back, and it was caused by chemo and radiation, they wouldn't tell me anyway. They are such Liars I found out. Yes, the treatment can cause secondary cancers anywhere in your body. It is what it is. I am ok with my decisions. I am older and lived a life. I will die of something and that is a certainty. I decided from the beginning that I will not live no matter what. I have limits and am comfortable with that. My faith gives me all the comfort. So is anybody here brave enough to use vaginal estrogen if she's suffering and what did you do to convince these MEN to go along with you. This is so unfair, I can't even think straight I am so angry about being told NO like a little child. They are not taking the decision making from me. I won't allow it. It is Me and only me who will decide what I will do. They are not gonna like it when I refuse to take that script for those horrible pills women actually cried about when told they had to take it 5 more yrs.  Who comes up with this stuff anyway? I wonder how much the drug companies paid them to extend the use? I don't trust them. They make billions off CA patients. Why is it that we are getting same drugs they got 40+ yrs ago? What do they do with all that $ they collect in the name of breast CA? Supposedly for research!!!


  • disneyfan2008
    disneyfan2008 Member Posts: 6,583 Member
    NO, I have not...

    NO, I have not...



  • ballerina06
    ballerina06 Member Posts: 57

    Yes, I started using vaginal estrogen 5 months ago. Although my bc was 97% estrogen & 86% progesterone because I had a dbl mastectomy the breast surgeon said it was fine. My urogyne prescribed 10 mlg 2x a week due to vaginal bleeding, pain during intercourse although I still believe I'm in menopause. After a couple of months, I had less bleeding and pain. However, after doing research, I learned the side effects are stroke, heart attack and some other scary stuff. So, I did further research as to what I could use that's natural. Well, low and behold, organic unrefined USA coconut oil mixed with a vitamin E, (cut the vitamin and squeeze oil out) inserted into my hooha does wonderful! I knew both were good for the skin. I  use it twice a week and the last time I  was intimate no bleeding and after slow warm-up (like with any exercise ) got my rhythm and it's all good!