Stage 3 Invasive Ductal Carcinoma at age 42

Egankeevan Member Posts: 17

This just doesn't seem real. I am 42 years old (okay, 43 in a few weeks). I had a 3D mammogram in January and it was fine. I found a lump in May and the last month has been a whirlwind. I was diagnosed with grade 3 invasive ductal carcinoma, ER & PR positive, HER2 negative. At first the doctor said stage 1, no lymph nodes, but since then I had an MRI, PET scan and lymph node biopsy. I'm now stage 3a with one positive axillary lymph node and one probable internal mammary lymph node (seen on PET scan, but unable to biopsy). My doctor says the internal mammary lymph node could be just inflammation from the port placement I had done a few days earlier. The PET scan showed all my organs are clear, but a couple of days after the port placement, I started having pain when I take a deep breath. It seems to be only on my right side (cancer side). I'm terrified that the cancer has already spread to my lungs. The doctor tells me no, based on the PET scan, but I can't get over the fear. Everyone that I have personally met who survived breast cancer was diagnosed early on and had no lymph node involvement. How can I be 42, have regular mammograms, and end up with stage 3 breast cancer in less than 6 months time? I'm just terrified that this cancer is too aggressive. 


  • HapB
    HapB Member Posts: 527

    It is very hard to wrap your head around getting this diagnosis, to say the least. They just don't know what causes cancer, seems random sometimes. I am sorry you had to have this happen to you. you are not Her2+ and that is a good thing. Those tumors tend to be more aggressive. There are treatments for hormone positive tumors that make your chances better. Try to find the best cancer hospital that you can get to. Good luck to you! You are young and you can bounce back from this after treatment. Keep the faith!

  • 2nu2tnbc
    2nu2tnbc Member Posts: 69 Member
    I understand your fear,

    I understand your fear, frustration and anger!!! This was me a year ago!  I I was terrified and became completely numb.  As I look back now, I know that I didn't make it to this point on my own strength. I was Triple Negative with a very large tumor, 6cm. i was 48 yrs. old, 4 months from turning and celebrating my 50th birthday!  I'm still here with the help of God, my faith, close family, friends, the best healthcare professionals and prayer groups(some I knew and some I didn't).  We are here to help you get through this!!!! Praying for physical, emotional and spiritual strengt, in Jesus' name. Amen!!!!

  • disneyfan2008
    disneyfan2008 Member Posts: 6,583 Member
    edited June 2017 #4
    hugs and pixie dust on your

    hugs and pixie dust on your way.


  • Elaine_wi
    Elaine_wi Member Posts: 124 Member
    cancer nurse navigator

    Hi Egan, I understand what you are going through. It is all unbelievable. That's how I felt when I was diagnosed. I had so many questions and I imagined the worse. I have an excellent cancer nurse navigator from the cancer center. She helped clarify all of my questions and gave me emotional support as well. She kept telling me "you will get through this and you will be fine". She was right. I am not done with treatment yet but I am getting through it and I will be just fine. I had invasive dcutal carcoma in both breasts with invasive lobular carcoma in the left breast as well. One of my tomors was 7cm. I had a 1.1 cm tumor in my left sentinal lymph node. Like you I am ER & PR positive, HER2 negative. This is a very positive thing because there are medications to reduce the risk of reoccurence. Don't let your imagination create problems that aren't there. I will keep you in prayer.

  • nspired36
    nspired36 Member Posts: 80
    I know this is all very scary

    I know this is all very scary! But, as you can see you're not alone.  I too have IDC, stage 3A. I was very diligent in getting scans etc... My tumor grew very fast,  I'm just glad I found it when I did.  Trust me eff when I say that I know how you're feeling,  we all do. You came you a good place! There are a bunch of awesome ladies on here to offer support and answer questions. Hang in there,  it'll be ok. 

  • nspired36
    nspired36 Member Posts: 80
    I forgot to add that I'm 43

    I forgot to add that I'm 43 as well :)

  • Apaugh
    Apaugh Member Posts: 850 Member

    My BS showed up and I was shocked.  I faithfully got mamograms on time every 6 months.  (family history called for that)  It is not a picnic.  It can be daunting.  You have many ladies on here and many many helpful previous topics and post that are all very helpful.  Follow the docs orders and really befriend your onocolgy nurses.  I have no doubt they are angels among us. 



  • 2nu2tnbc
    2nu2tnbc Member Posts: 69 Member
    The Oncology nurses are

    The Oncology nurses are ANGELS!!!:))

  • camul
    camul Member Posts: 2,537
    edited June 2017 #10
    I was 42!when 1st diagnosed.

    At the time no family history of Breast Cancer. Dr, or positive her2 negative.  Stage 1 then 2.  Then had all tests 8 years later. All clear. Had bone pain but pet was clear. 3months later stage iv.  

    Know sister1 year older than me at 58 had same dx. She was stage 1. Her onco did lumpectomy and rads. Mine did Mastectomy and chemo.  Now have brothers with other cancers 4 of us stage iv, just the one sis still stage 1.  We are all different.

    Wish you the best, just listen to your body! We can have samedx yet it is different on each of us!
