Rituxan Side Effects

I have RA and started taking Rituxan in July. Since that time I started experiencing a terrible itching rash in my groin.  My doctor prescribed two different ointments that I used. When the first one didn't work she prescribed another. Neither of these worked. From that point on I followed her suggestion and stopped using fragrant soaps when showering. Then I purchased fragrant free lotions to apply after showering. The relief was very temporary. Now the itchy areas are spreading to my breasts, stomach, crotch, waist, and under arms. Even after using the lotion the pain is still constant. It causes me to have a difficult time sleeping and wakes me up in the wee hours of the morning. My infusions are sceduled every 6 months. My next one is due in January. This has helped relieve my pain, however this itching has to stop.

I will be calling my doctor in the morning. I am hoping that she will prescribe something to relieve this.