Perianal Invasive Squamosh Cell Carcinoma - Another Re-Excision or Chemo/Radiation Therapy

Fran1 Member Posts: 42

Hello Everyone, 

Today, I had my first appt with the Oncologist. My PET/CT scans came back clean. No cancer inside my body or lymph nodes.  What a blessing!! The Oncologist is suggesting chemo/radiation, because, the SCC is still at the margins. My tumor size was only a 4 mm, very small. I asked the Oncologist about having another surgery to take out the remainder of the SCC and, he said "No", because, the Surgeon would have to perform a colostomy. 

I am not sure why a colostomy would have to be performed with a 4 mm tumor that has been removed. The website recommends a re-excision (preferred), if SCC is still at the margins or consider chemo/radiation. 

if you were in my position, what would you do? 

Any feedback will be appreciated. 




  • nicotianna
    nicotianna Member Posts: 209

    Hi Fran - I cannot speak from personal experience.  However, if the NCCN guidelines recommend re-excision I would follow its recs.  What does the colorectal surgeon have to say?  Consider getting another CR opinion if he/she does not want to re-excise.  Best wishes!


  • Fran1
    Fran1 Member Posts: 42

    Hi Fran - I cannot speak from personal experience.  However, if the NCCN guidelines recommend re-excision I would follow its recs.  What does the colorectal surgeon have to say?  Consider getting another CR opinion if he/she does not want to re-excise.  Best wishes!


    Thank You Nic

    Hi Nic, 

    Thank you for the suggestion. I will get a second opinion, since, the first CR, sent me to the Oncologist/Radiologist and did not mention re-excision. 



  • mp327
    mp327 Member Posts: 4,440 Member

    I'm glad the PET/CT results were good.  As for having another surgery to remove the SCC that remains in the margins, the big risk would be damaging the sphincter muscle, which would necessitate a colostomy.  It might depend on where your tumor is located.  I think it's good that you are questioning this and I would definitely get an opinion from your colorectal surgeon.

    My tumor was treated with chemo/rad only--no excision.  I can only speak from my own experience, but as brutal as the treatment was, I would go that route if it gave me a better chance of living without a colostomy.  That's just my opinion.

    Please let us know what you and your doctors agree upon.


  • Fran1
    Fran1 Member Posts: 42
    mp327 said:


    I'm glad the PET/CT results were good.  As for having another surgery to remove the SCC that remains in the margins, the big risk would be damaging the sphincter muscle, which would necessitate a colostomy.  It might depend on where your tumor is located.  I think it's good that you are questioning this and I would definitely get an opinion from your colorectal surgeon.

    My tumor was treated with chemo/rad only--no excision.  I can only speak from my own experience, but as brutal as the treatment was, I would go that route if it gave me a better chance of living without a colostomy.  That's just my opinion.

    Please let us know what you and your doctors agree upon.



    Hello, Thank you for replying to my message. I know longer have the tumor in the Perianal skin. The Surgeon removed the entire tumor. The pathology report states "tumor cells are present at the radial margin."

    My main concern is having to do chemo when there is no cancer inside my body. I know the radiation treatments will be brutal and may have long term side effects, but having chemo with no cancer inside my body does not sit well with me. 

    Thank you again for your kindness in answering my questions and concerns.

