Lowered dose


I'll be brief, because the web site keeps logging me out.  Getting #3 infusion today at full strength, but nurse is suggesting to lower dose due to extreme side effects on nerves which can be permanent,  she said the chemo will still be maximized for cancer, but now the excess is going to side effects.  Thoughts?


  • EZLiving66
    EZLiving66 Member Posts: 1,483 Member
    I wish my doctor had offered

    I wish my doctor had offered this for my fourth chemo.  I'm afraid that the numbness in my fingers and toes will be permanent along with the burning feeling in my feet.  My left hip also continues to bother me and I've read that chemo can trigger arthritis - I sure hope not!!!  At least you're being offered some alternatives to the side effects of chemo.  I would go along with your nurse's recommendation.  Best of luck!!!

    Love, Eldri