Windows Study for Mantle Cell

Hey folks. Just a note to let you all know I'm still here and doing well. I've been in the Windows Study at MD Anderson for the past 4 months. I just finished a trip to Houston and had a PET scan and BMB done. They were NED. Praise God!!! I still have to have a colonoscopy done and if that is clear then on to a heavy dose of chemotherapy (H-CVAD and Methotrexate/Cytarbine for 4 months. For those of you with MCL there is a lot of promising research going on. Here is a link to an article just put out from Medscape. Dr Wang from MD Anderson was interviewed.

You may have to register (free) to access it, but its worth the read.


  • OO7
    OO7 Member Posts: 281
    So Happy

    What wonderful news, I have thought of you often and sent you prayers.  Prayers are still coming so keep up the good work!!!!!!