Meaning of CIN, VIN & VAIN

Judemo Member Posts: 167 Member

Hi all!  I was floored to find out that this type of pre cancer existed. Here is my understanding of them:  CIN is Cervical Intraepithelial Neoplasia,  VAIN is Vaginal Intraepithelial Neoplasia, & VIN is Vulvar Intraepithelial  Neoplasia and all are graded as I, II, III with III the most severe and considered adenocarcinoma in situ.  They are considered pre cancers of the surface layers of those organs with the more severe having deeper invasion and most progressive.  It can turn into cancer and treatment consists of some chemo-like skin creams, lazer surgery, radiation and surgery, Vulvectomy, etc!  This is all very uncomfortable and highly painful for the women getting treatment.  Smoking speeds up the growth of this disease.  HPV is one of the known causes of this disease.  You can go over to the Other GYN cancers discussion board and read about how some are dealing with it.  Some have had theirs turn into vulvar ca and are post surgeries.  I'm facing surgeries to those areas in my future ...that is if I choose to do that.  I'll deal with my radical hysterectomy first.  Hope that helps.


  • sunflash
    sunflash Member Posts: 197 Member
    You are correct, Judemo. The

    You are correct, Judemo. The scary thing is that sometimes these conditions are missed during an exam, or proceed more rapidly than anticipated.

    I went in for pap smears every year, never had an abnormal one, and started bleeding 6 months after a yearly pap smear in 2007.  I made an appointment with my gynocologist who determined after a biopsy and CT scan that I had vaginal cancer, stage one but moving towards stage 2. I'm assuming my VAIN was simply missed until I started showing symptoms. Thankfully, my gynocologist sent my test results to a gynocological oncologist (I never even knew these doctors existed) who treated me successfully. She told me that I needed to continue seeing her for followups because after having cancer once you're at greater risk for getting another cancer. She's the same doctor who found my UPSC 4 years later. Again, she treated me successfully. 

    I just want you to know that even after having vaginal cancer and UPSC,  I have absolutely no long term side effects. I know how scary this is.....I was petrified when I found out what I was facing. 

    I'm sorry to hear you're having to deal with all three precancerous conditions, but thankfully they're still precancer. It's imperative you see an experienced gynocological oncologist who is skilled in treating this. 

    Sending hugs and best wishes to you!

  • sunflash
    sunflash Member Posts: 197 Member
    sunflash said:

    You are correct, Judemo. The

    You are correct, Judemo. The scary thing is that sometimes these conditions are missed during an exam, or proceed more rapidly than anticipated.

    I went in for pap smears every year, never had an abnormal one, and started bleeding 6 months after a yearly pap smear in 2007.  I made an appointment with my gynocologist who determined after a biopsy and CT scan that I had vaginal cancer, stage one but moving towards stage 2. I'm assuming my VAIN was simply missed until I started showing symptoms. Thankfully, my gynocologist sent my test results to a gynocological oncologist (I never even knew these doctors existed) who treated me successfully. She told me that I needed to continue seeing her for followups because after having cancer once you're at greater risk for getting another cancer. She's the same doctor who found my UPSC 4 years later. Again, she treated me successfully. 

    I just want you to know that even after having vaginal cancer and UPSC,  I have absolutely no long term side effects. I know how scary this is.....I was petrified when I found out what I was facing. 

    I'm sorry to hear you're having to deal with all three precancerous conditions, but thankfully they're still precancer. It's imperative you see an experienced gynocological oncologist who is skilled in treating this. 

    Sending hugs and best wishes to you!

    Judemo, I just saw your

    Judemo, I just saw your previous post where you do, indeed, have cervical and uterine cancer along with the other conditions.

    I agree with your doctor that the cancer must be dealt with first.......then he/she can best assess how to deal with the others.

    Hoping for the very best outcome and praying you never have to face this beast again!! 

    Please keep us posted!


  • Judemo
    Judemo Member Posts: 167 Member
    sunflash said:

    Judemo, I just saw your

    Judemo, I just saw your previous post where you do, indeed, have cervical and uterine cancer along with the other conditions.

    I agree with your doctor that the cancer must be dealt with first.......then he/she can best assess how to deal with the others.

    Hoping for the very best outcome and praying you never have to face this beast again!! 

    Please keep us posted!



    Thanks for your reply! I forget to go back and check some of the threads so just found this reply to you!  Thanks so much for the encouragement!  I am also glad you are doing well.  Wow, you are dealing with some beasts too!  I had never even heard of VIN, CIN & VAIN until I was DXd with it and I'm even a nurse!  It just isn't talked about.  I have already sent literature to some of the national news stations to request that they cover this issue in the news.  It needs to be talked about openly so we can get this info out to women. Well, until we speak again....


  • It happened to Me
    It happened to Me Member Posts: 206 Member
    Judemo said:


    Thanks for your reply! I forget to go back and check some of the threads so just found this reply to you!  Thanks so much for the encouragement!  I am also glad you are doing well.  Wow, you are dealing with some beasts too!  I had never even heard of VIN, CIN & VAIN until I was DXd with it and I'm even a nurse!  It just isn't talked about.  I have already sent literature to some of the national news stations to request that they cover this issue in the news.  It needs to be talked about openly so we can get this info out to women. Well, until we speak again....



    Thanks for the explanation and being an advocate to get the word out.  I had never heard of those until you mentioned them in your post.   Thank you for your fight and for educating us.
