The Battle


Today I am 2 years cancer free.  As I look back upon the horrors and hell I went through to get to this point, I found a letter I wrote to God when I was first diagnosed.  It was a way I expressed myself at the time and thought I should share it.  If you are newly diagnosed, I pray for you.  If you are battling, I hope you havent had the problems I have.  If you are cancer free, WOOO HOOOO Keep it up!!!!


Dear GOD,

Hi God, I hope your doing well up there in heaven. I can't say that I am down here on Earth. It sure seems that you have either forgotten me or forsaken me. Let me catch you up.

It all started when you put me on this earth. You gave me strength, you gave me intelligence and most of all, you gave me to my parents. They worked hard to raise me. I may not have grown up a "poster child" but I think that was your choice. Trials and tribulations of growing up is what brought me to write this letter. Had you made me any different, my heart would not be as strong as it is today. I made it God, I grew up to be a good man. Yea I smoked, but look at history, people have always smoked and that never made them bad people. I drank too, but they drink in the bible so I don't think that made me a bad person. So if I grew up to be a good man, then why not let good fortune rain down on me?

I have worked hard to make something of myself. I know I have more than many people on this earth. It's not the wealth or status I have, but the people whos lives I have had the pleasure of being a part of. Have you been a part of that? Have you been a part of everything? God, have you watched me struggle to pay the bills? Are you the one that causes disaster every time the money is doing well? Are you the one who took my wife from me? I know you have given a lot, but I never asked for that. I did ask your blessing for a hand to grow old with and you took that away. Then when I rebound from the horrors you have bestowed upon me, you give me a woman who I can grow old with. Wait a minute, this woman is too perfect. Theres gotta be a catch.

Well, God, I knew something was coming. I never would have thought you would make it worse. Why would you give me Cancer? I look around every day and see such evil people in the world and you give ME cancer? Guess what? I'm getting through that too. I am still your servant but I am telling you right now and today; You better be ready to battle if you think you're going to take me away. I got family that counts on me. I'll see ya up there in Heaven dear God, but don't expect it any time soon.
