Determining that you're no longer HPV positive


I was asked a question not long ago, how will I know that I'm no longer HPV positive?  I don't think that there is a test for males, in fact I think that there is only a test for the HPV DNA in harvested tissue, and I think it is usually cancer or pre-cancerous tissues that will exhibit it.

Anyone know of a test that I could get?


  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member
    You Answered It

    You already have as much information than you can get I believe....

    There is no test other than happening to biopsy a result of infected cells..., which more than likely would be in tissue already suspect of cancer...

    Even more so, even if they did happen to find HPV+ cells, there is nothing they could do to cure them, HPV has no known cure. Usually your body rids it within a year or so.

    Who knows specifically how it works....

    I was HPV+ derived Tonsil Cancer, never been with anyone other than my wife for over 20+ years... She is tested annually (pap smears), but no HPV those cells.

    From my understanding (Matt's contact), and knowledge from reading up..., It's implied, you could have HPV (somewhere), have cells biopsied and not detected. If it wasn't in the infected site, it will be undetected... It seems to be pretty localized...

    Also, more than 80% of the population has had, or will have been exposed and had HPV, like mentioned, most of the time your body clears it on it's own..


  • katenorwood
    katenorwood Member Posts: 1,912
    Good question !

    I think John pegged it pretty good in his response.  I think with time, and research more answers will come.  But for today we must rely on the reports of today.  I'm praying with the shots the younger generations are getting this problom will be erradicated forever !  Katie