Too young and ready to settle down, Cancer?

Hi EEveryone

I am 34 years old. I just lost my mom to 4th stage Cervical Cancer last year. She was an amazing mother and my best friend. She waited too long in 1995 to get a pap, 8 yrs and had to have a full Hysterectomy and lympnode removed. Then in Oct 2010 she was rediagnosed after her lympnode swelled up;(  she died Jan last yr. While she was sick I had a negative pap and found out I have stage 1. I had a LEEP procedure cause I want kids. I have now dedicated my life to cancer prevention and treatment. I have done lots iof research and would like to compare notes and offer emotional support. My profession is a CT/X-ray Tech and I was a Pharmacy Tech for 10 years. I Am soooo dedicated so please get in contact with me. I don't bite;)

