Endoscope, dialation and a new Furbaby

The results of the endoscope showed the same thickening as before, it doesn't change. It showed scar tissue. They did do a slight dialation but it's still wide open. The CT scan will be next Friday.

We've been anxiously awaiting the arrival of our new furbaby from Mobile, AL Needless to say Issac caused a delay. Then it was too hot yesterday arriving at O'Hare. But I got the text message at 5:30 am that she's coming. This sweet baby is a tri Sheltie, black tan and white. She's 8 months old.She flew from Mobile to Atlanta and then up to O'Hare, Chicago. She joins our two blue merle boys also from my friend in Mobile. Tom drove up in bad rain and I drove home. She hopped in his lap and snuggled in when we got home.

So yep, we now have three Shelties. I count them as precious gifts. They us up each day and all they give is love.

As I write this all three of them are on my bed. I'm going to need a bigger bed.