Male Sling

I am new to this forum. I am a 68 year old PC survivor. I had Radical Prostatectomy 6 years ago, just a few months after marriage to my second wife. Post surgery, I had been incontinent, 2 - 3 pads a day, until implant surgery for the Argus Male Sling 2 months ago. I have been completely dry with normal continence since. Urine flow has been slow since my prostatectomy due to excessive scar tissue build up from severe urinary tract infection. That has not changed and is not a serious issue with me at present.
With the exception of mild ED, addressed with medication, and the incontinence nuisance my sexual abilities returned to normal in a relatively short time after the prostatectomy. A new younger bride helped a lot.
Post implant surgery continence is the good news. I have had severe pain and discomfort since the surgery. My scrotum felt on fire for over a month and I still sense that burning from time to time. It seems associated with movement and or sitting and laying position. However, it is improving every day.
For the first 6 weeks I had severe pain and discomfort sitting. But that too is improving daily.
Initially I would experience sharp jolts of severe pain up through my penis to the glands. It would start from my anus and radiate in a sharp stabbing jolt through my scrotum to the head of my penis for no apparent reason, standing, laying down or sitting on a donut. Sleeping was a significant problem. That too is improving with time but has not subsided completely. My urologist is mystified as he says he did not go near the nerve network to my penis.
The worst effect is numbness. The epidermis (? Outer layer of skin?) of my scrotum and penis shaft and head are completely numb. I can however sense pressure and the jolts of pain inside but nothing at all outside. Once again, my urologist is mystified. At my follow-up yesterday he consulted with a colleague and they did a ‘pin’ test for sensation, perhaps to satisfy some scepticism . They were both surprised at the complete lack of sensation. They discussed the possibility of pressure from the sling interfering with ??. (in their language), but had never experienced patient post surgery numbness of this nature. I will contact him again for the layman’s version.
He told me that sex was OK to try so I did. I achieved a full but slightly painful erection that became more painful with penetration. With gentler movement I was able to reduce the pain to a tolerable level and concentrate on the act. I was extremely charged but with no sensation there was no orgasm.
I intend to give this device more time as the continence is heaven. However, no sensation is hell so I am in a dilemma.
Has anyone experienced anything like this?
