
2timothy1 7
2timothy1 7 Member Posts: 345
Just finished my last round of chemo may22. My sense of taste has not returned. Well I can taste things but not very good. Just wondering if this improved for anyone and how long it took?


  • Gottalovelife
    Gottalovelife Member Posts: 45
    Took about 1 month
    I think it took about a month or maybe a little more for my taste to return, I finished treatment October 17, 2011 and by Thanksgiving I was able to eat and taste fairly good by then. Now I definitely have my taste back and eating too much. Making up for lost time that I couldn't eat anything, gotta ease up.
    So it will come back.

  • ktamp
    ktamp Member Posts: 81
    I finished chemo march 21.
    I finished chemo march 21. I took a good 6 weeks for my taste to return to normal. Unfortunately I have gained 5 lbs due to overeating as I had forgotten how good food tasted :)