
Sonia32 Member Posts: 1,071 Member


if this has been posted before, just an interesting article i found.


  • Sonia32
    Sonia32 Member Posts: 1,071 Member
    still can't do a link
  • Buckwirth
    Buckwirth Member Posts: 1,258 Member

  • smokeyjoe
    smokeyjoe Member Posts: 1,425 Member
    Buckwirth said:



    Interesting, thanks
    Interesting, thanks Sonya....got me reading the other articles on he side bar too.
  • pete43lost_at_sea
    pete43lost_at_sea Member Posts: 3,900 Member
    thanks sonia
    interesting study and a worthwhile warning about taking supplements without guidance and a specific program for your nutrient insufficiencies.

    this study's value is if people read into it and consider its implications.

    these poor woman were just dished out different programs of supplements, without regard if they had need or no need. the time and effort and cost to manage your biology at a molecular level is immense and its not surprising about the conclusion from the study.

    maybe these large epidemilogical studies will be a thing of the past and or even clinical trials for that matter and individual case studies the way to go. you loose so much when you join a trial, so many rules and limitations. uta hard enough to integrative doctors to
    manage my biology the way i want them to, with the right attention to detail.

    woman with cardiovascular disease may have increased risk of cancer if they take supplements.

    did the women have a health diet, without it as i understand the benefits of fish oils are lost, worse then the extra fish oil will just be added calorie's that will go on as fat.

    the study's flaw is that of medicine at present, they still want an easy lets treat everyone the same.

    its no surprise popping some fish oil does not prevent cancer, or it appears to make it worse. did each of these women have their heavy metals checked, 24 hour urine. to my understanding these studies while well meaning, misrepresent the true benefit of nutritional and functional medicine.

    still a great thought provoking study, i reckon the alternative medicine guys will have a more comprehensive critic of the study in due course, this is just a prelimenary review i got to get to yoga.

    have a lovelly day. i know your sad, i am too, we remembered lisa and her family at our church yesterday.
