New issue.

pscott1 Member Posts: 207 Member
I am on a chemo holiday for 6 weeks right now from Avastin. My last CEA level was 1.3. Last MRI showed lesions shrinking and going from 30+ across both lobes of my liver to 15 or 16 only in the right lobe. The down side has been migraines. I was on Fioricet but I "abused" them fearing every headache would be a mirgraine so I ended up getting rebound headaches. This went on December and January. Onc said I could take Aleve and Advil to help with the headaches even though the aspirin could up the risk of bleeding while being on Avastin. On February 2nd I woke up with blood in my right eye. It was like a blood vessel had broke. My Onc said to go to eye doctor to see what it was but it went away after 2 days so I didn't go. I woke up Saturday morning with blood in the same eye. I went to a Lenscrafter to have them take a look at it. They looked at my eye through a machine called Optimap, (I think). Well....there is a lesion on the back of my retina. I have to go on Friday to a retina specialist. If it is cancer, they told me they can put a radiation disc in my eye and it targets the cancer. She said it has a good success rate. She also said some people have one of these "freckles" on the back of their eye and it is not malignant. She also said that most people that have lung or breast cancer usually have a malignancy in the eye. Has anyone ever had a problem with this or heard of this before?

Thanks in advance for your thoughts.



  • pete43lost_at_sea
    pete43lost_at_sea Member Posts: 3,900 Member
    never heard of this pam
    I just hope the test goes well.
  • mom_2_3
    mom_2_3 Member Posts: 953 Member
    I have never heard of this at all. I hope you find that this is benign. I am keeping you in my thoughts.

  • RobinKaye
    RobinKaye Member Posts: 93
    mom_2_3 said:

    I have never heard of this at all. I hope you find that this is benign. I am keeping you in my thoughts.


    Saw this yesterday
    There is a photographer (can't remember where I linked to this)that has taken photographs of women with breast cancer, showing the scars and other affects. One of the pictures was of a woman who had a malignancy behind her eye - it was the first time I had ever heard of this. But like your doctor said it was breast cancer so don't worry until you have to worry and it will probably be nothing.
  • Lorikat
    Lorikat Member Posts: 681 Member
    Pam..I have a lesion on the
    Pam..I have a lesion on the back of my right eye. The Optomologist who looked at it said it was a healed infarction, and NOT cancer in my case. Everything is so scary.......
  • Actsassy
    Actsassy Member Posts: 37
    I never heard of that either
    I never heard of that either but what do i know.

    Prayers and hugs and hope all goes well.
