What is a diagnostic mammogram?

bluwillo Member Posts: 113
I'm having one next week. I've been told that when I leave,I will know what the lump is. How is it different than a regular mammo? Above all, will it hurt more than the regular mammo?

I'm very proud to report that I am not freaking out. Whatever happens, happens. NO FEAR!


  • LoveBabyJesus
    LoveBabyJesus Member Posts: 1,679 Member
    No fear is great!
    Love your attitude! I can't answer your question but wanted to wish you well and hope you get good results. :)
  • mimivac
    mimivac Member Posts: 2,143 Member
    diagnostic mammogram
    It's a mammo that is designed to diagnose suspected cancer, rather than one that merely screens for cancer like a regular or screening mammo. I found my lump in my 30's before I had ever had an annual screening mammogram, so I don't know if there is a difference in terms of how it feels. Once you've been diagnosed, you'll be getting diagnostic mammograms from then on. They don't really hurt for me, but I know people's experiences differ. Good luck! You'll be fine.

  • Double Whammy
    Double Whammy Member Posts: 2,832 Member
    mimivac said:

    diagnostic mammogram
    It's a mammo that is designed to diagnose suspected cancer, rather than one that merely screens for cancer like a regular or screening mammo. I found my lump in my 30's before I had ever had an annual screening mammogram, so I don't know if there is a difference in terms of how it feels. Once you've been diagnosed, you'll be getting diagnostic mammograms from then on. They don't really hurt for me, but I know people's experiences differ. Good luck! You'll be fine.


    I'm back to "routine" mammograms
    because there is no suspected cancer or breast disease. I guess it could be deemed "screening" - perhaps "routine screening". Yahooie. When I reported a presumed lump a while back, the mammo I had was deemed "diagnostic". It was to make a diagnosis of the lump which is presumed normal breast tissue. Yahooie again.

    Hope your diagnostic mammogram goes well.

  • TraciInLA
    TraciInLA Member Posts: 1,994 Member

    I'm back to "routine" mammograms
    because there is no suspected cancer or breast disease. I guess it could be deemed "screening" - perhaps "routine screening". Yahooie. When I reported a presumed lump a while back, the mammo I had was deemed "diagnostic". It was to make a diagnosis of the lump which is presumed normal breast tissue. Yahooie again.

    Hope your diagnostic mammogram goes well.


    Only "diagnostic" mammograms since treatment
    At my mammography center, there is no difference in how my "diagnostic" mammogram is performed or how it feels as compared with my first "screening" one.

    The only (but very important for me) difference is that diagnostic mammograms are ONLY scheduled when the radiologist is present, so he reviews the mammogram right then and there, and I get an immediate answer directly from him -- as opposed to having to go home and wait for results in the mail, which is how they handle a "screening" mammogram.

    I'm nearly 2 years post-treatment, and my surgeon has ordered all of my mammograms as "diagnostic," for specifically this reason. (And they've all been normal.) I hope they'll be ordered this way for the rest of my life -- I don't think I could handle the anxiety of having to wait a week or two for mammogram results anymore -- but I haven't asked him how long he plans to do this.

    Hope that helps?

  • Tux
    Tux Member Posts: 544
    diagnostic mammo
    Since my bc, I have diagnostic mammos. I would say the difference is that
    the diagnostic mammo is a bit more intensive & if the radiologist is not
    exactly satisfied, the tech will try to get a different view. I did have
    a little more discomfort with the diagnostic mammo, but, compared to
    everything else, it is minor. It is reassuring to me that they are taking
    extra steps to ensure the most accurate reading.

    Good luck--I hope you have good results!
  • bluwillo
    bluwillo Member Posts: 113
    You ladies rock! I always know to ask my questions here...none of you have nurses who will "have the doctor call you back when he can"!
  • mamolady
    mamolady Member Posts: 796 Member
    Diagnostic vs Screening
    Pretty much covered already, however, there are other images they may do such as spot compression and magnification views. If necessary, some places can get an ultra sound immediately following the mammo.
    If it is suspicious a mammo is not necessarily definitive. Even with the radiologist being there. It may require a biopsy to be certain.

  • linpsu
    linpsu Member Posts: 747
    Diagnostic vs. screening
    Just last week when I had a mammogram I asked the same question. The explanation I got was exactly like what Tracy said. The actual mammogram procedure is no different - it's just that with a diagnostic one, the radiologist reads the results immediately, and with the screening one, it make take 2-3 days for the results. Hope this helps. Linda
  • Lynn Smith
    Lynn Smith Member Posts: 1,264 Member
    linpsu said:

    Diagnostic vs. screening
    Just last week when I had a mammogram I asked the same question. The explanation I got was exactly like what Tracy said. The actual mammogram procedure is no different - it's just that with a diagnostic one, the radiologist reads the results immediately, and with the screening one, it make take 2-3 days for the results. Hope this helps. Linda

    Like Tux
    Like Tux since my dx of BC I get the diagnostic mammos. I remember before I knew this the Breast Center called me to have my doctor to send a order.I told them I always call for my mammos.They said not now since your dx.The doctor needs to call or send a order for a diagnostic mammo.That was all new to me.Now I make sure that order gets there.I call ahead.See if order is there and then make my appt.for my mammo

    The past July something was found.I had my mammo done over.Then was asked to wait to have a ultrasound. Had that. The radiology doctor talked to me and said I needed a biopsy.Got it almost 4 weeks later with some problems that had to be straightened out.The tumor was benign but no reason to wait for almost a month to get a order for a needle biopsy.Finally the radiology doctor got a order from my surgeon. He did the biopsy.Got the results in 2 days.

    Lynn Smith
  • jessiesmom1
    jessiesmom1 Member Posts: 915 Member
    Definition of Diagnostic Mammogram
    According to the American College of Radiology a DIAGNOSTIC mammogram is used to evaluate a patient with abnormal clinical findings—such as a breast lump or lumps—that have been found by the woman or her doctor. Diagnostic mammography may also be done after an abnormal SCREENING mammogram in order to evaluate the area of concern on the screening exam.

    I hope that your lump is benign. Good luck. Keep us posted.

  • mana1
    mana1 Member Posts: 16
    stay positive
    first a normal mamogram ~ then another one -closer up, magnifying and focusing on the lump exclusively (same process as a mamogram) if they need to look closer, they will then do an ultrasound - easy.. if they still need more info, they will do an mri - easy.... those are all usually done at the same time, and they look at the results why you are there... hopefully, they get close enough looks to give you an answer...... if they need more info, they will schedule and do what is called a core needle biopsy.... still just diagnosing.... long, very thin needle into the lump to extract tissue from the lump.... then it goes to radiology... usually 3 or 4 days.... this is the process i have been going through for the past 3 or 4 months... i still do not have a final, conclusive diagnosis. i just went through a surgical breast biopsy..on friday (10/14) that was hurty! waiting for the pathology report - 7 days or so.... what we should be happy about, is the incredible advances they have made in these diagnostic procedures.... 10 years ago, they never would have even found my lump....good luck to you. stay positive.
  • Alexis F
    Alexis F Member Posts: 3,598
    TraciInLA said:

    Only "diagnostic" mammograms since treatment
    At my mammography center, there is no difference in how my "diagnostic" mammogram is performed or how it feels as compared with my first "screening" one.

    The only (but very important for me) difference is that diagnostic mammograms are ONLY scheduled when the radiologist is present, so he reviews the mammogram right then and there, and I get an immediate answer directly from him -- as opposed to having to go home and wait for results in the mail, which is how they handle a "screening" mammogram.

    I'm nearly 2 years post-treatment, and my surgeon has ordered all of my mammograms as "diagnostic," for specifically this reason. (And they've all been normal.) I hope they'll be ordered this way for the rest of my life -- I don't think I could handle the anxiety of having to wait a week or two for mammogram results anymore -- but I haven't asked him how long he plans to do this.

    Hope that helps?


    I always get a diagnostic
    I always get a diagnostic mammo now and it is just like a regular mammo. Mine are read right after and I get my results.

  • disneyfan2008
    disneyfan2008 Member Posts: 6,583 Member
    NO fear..that is good..I
    NO fear..that is good..I honestly can say I have never had fear..even when I GOT THE call to come back in...next day..anyhow I do never heard of this type...

    I am going today for a mammo-right after work..

    good luck...I"ll check back to see if anyone has any info

  • Kylez
    Kylez Member Posts: 3,761 Member
    bluwillo said:

    You ladies rock! I always know to ask my questions here...none of you have nurses who will "have the doctor call you back when he can"!

    I get a diagnostic mammo and
    I get a diagnostic mammo and I think the only difference is that you get your results right after you are finished.

    I'll be praying for good news from you!

    Hugs, Kylez
  • Puffin2014
    Puffin2014 Member Posts: 531 Member
    old thread

    This thread is 5 years old, person who posted the question probably isn't following any more, but your response could be a help to others.