Need advice

valley Member Posts: 94
My husband is a stage 3 rectal cancer survivor. He is doing great 5 1/2 years NED. I need a little advice regarding myself. About 3 week ago I had a change in my bowel movements. I was very regular 3 times a day good movements. I am constipated, upper abd. bloating and breasts are swollen and sore. Laxatives and edema help some but very little relief if at all. My primary care physician diagnosed me with IBS and prescribed probiotics. I have been taking them for a little over a week and they don't seem to do anything. I called her back today and she wants me to take amitriptylin for IBS commonly used for antidepression. I don't have a good feeling about her diagnosis and think I should call a gastro dr. Just needed some advice.

thanks val


  • janie1
    janie1 Member Posts: 753 Member
    Never hurts to get other
    Never hurts to get other tests and specialty opinions. I don't know how docs can come up with IBS so quickly. Keep us posted.
  • Annabelle41415
    Annabelle41415 Member Posts: 6,742 Member
    If you have never had one or its been several years, you should go to a doctor that will order one for you. Just giving you pills in hopes that it gets better isn't the correct way to go. Get a second opinion. Good luck.

  • janderson1964
    janderson1964 Member Posts: 2,215 Member
    Please insist on a
    Please insist on a colonoscopy. I don't want to scare you but I had bad abdominal pains and went to the doctor and he said it was IBS and prescribed muscle relaxers. It only got worse so I insisted on a colonoscopy which revealed 99% blockage from a tumor. My oncologist said insisting on a colonoscopy was probobly the smartest decision I ever made.
  • neons356
    neons356 Member Posts: 57 Member
    It's probabably not CRC but....
    If I were you I'd pursue it further. For almost two years my doctor kept telling me it was just hemorrhoids acting up, until the bleeding and pain got so bad, and the tumor had totally blocked my colon that I was rushed into surgery with stage III. Thank goodness I'm still NED 18 years later, but I think I'd have had a much easier time of it had I begun treatment 2 years earlier.